Netflix, Hulu, Prime... der streamiverse!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Joe Bunny, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    sorry, but need to add "leaving las vegas" to that list. but definitely behind "raising arizona"...
  2. justin

    justin Addicted

    He wasn't that bad in Con Air..... :lol:
  3. ShadowSpectre

    ShadowSpectre Addicted

    What about Matchstick Men? I actually like that movie.
  4. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    How could I forget Raising Arizona? :oops:
  5. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    :lol: I was thinking the same thing.
  6. nitty

    nitty Toy Prince

    He was cool in Face Off
  7. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    Perhaps a thread name-change is in order. Does Cage Suck Thread? :D
  8. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    He was acceptable in "Birdy" but really shone in "Valley Girl."

  9. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    No love for Wild At Heart..?! Fucking philistines!
  10. marswillrule

    marswillrule Line of Credit

    Aw yeah and it's instant watchable too. I know what I'll be using as a test asset today.

    Bunnyboy jumps fast.
  11. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Well, I'm rather fascinated with than a fan of Cage, but Bad Lieutenant & Wild At Heart are definitely his finest hours imo... Maybe should've added some of those wacky smiley faces! :razz:
  12. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Again, he's "good" because the part is written for his crap skills. Like Bruce Willis, the guy can't act but he's loved because his parts are just wrtten to fit his personallity. It's a trick I tell ya!
  13. Mike Like Bike

    Mike Like Bike Comment King

    Nic Cage does have his moments where it seems like he is actually trying hard to act well (Adaptaion, Wild at Heart, Red Rock West, Raising Arizona). But there a plenty more movies where, like BloodDrinker said, there are quite a few movies that make it seem like either the script was written for him to match his acting style, or he just lets his overacting take over. He definitely is a riot when he overacts (which happens a lot) and/or gets angry in movies.
  14. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Yeah, I hear you - I've already said it in some other thread that got derailed by the Cage debate: By now, I'm pretty sure the guy is just batshit insane. However, there's a nice Herzog interview where he talks about what Cage brought to his role in BL (lots of hilarious improv, apparently).

    Also, I'm not sure whether his performance in Wild At Heart can be really considered "good acting"... I think that's just one of those where he was brilliantly cast & "let the hog loose", as Herzog puts it. :D
  15. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    With actors, a lot of times, it's all about the right casting. So many suck, hard! But if they're tossed into the right roll and "let the hog loose" then it seems good. Everyone says "what a great actor!" Few are really so damned great that they can just do ANYTHING. Gary Oldman, for example, can play anything. ANY. THING. I'd buy it! I'd be all into it, the guy's amazing. But, say, Willis or Cage or even Will Smith. They're huge names, people think they're good! Why? Casting. And people are idiots. But mostly casting.

    I'll say this about another guy with casting, Johnny Depp. Sometimes he's great, sometimes I think he's horrid. I think he needs some casting help. Rule 1- NO MORE BURTON SHIT! Then we'll go from there.

    Sorry about the "nerd rant" :lol:

    I'm going to catch up on more DC animated movies this week like Doomsday (heard it sucked) and some others just for fun.
  16. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Bah, I totally blame myself for you watching this. I saw this thread and was gonna reply but forgot. I rented this at the dollar box months ago. I only made it half way through before I turned it off. This only happened 1 other time and that was for Pathfinder.

    Sorry Lorne I owe you a drink.

  17. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    finally working my way through The Office, and working in some episodes of Burst Angel periodically...
  18. Mike Like Bike

    Mike Like Bike Comment King

    You probably made the mistake of thinking it would be a serious movie before you watched it. That's too bad because it's actually a comedy.
  19. Gareth Infinity

    Gareth Infinity Addicted

    Fuck yeah. I just never get tired of The Office, I've been watching and re-watching season after season of it. Amazing show.

    I have no experience with this netflix thing but I wanted to high-five silver_lining_man :lol:
  20. Mike Like Bike

    Mike Like Bike Comment King

    For those Ingmar Bergman fans? Are there any Ingar Bergman fans here? Anyways, if you haven't seen Fanny and Alexander, don't watch the Theatrical version they have up on Netflix instant, it doesn't live up to the original television series. Hopefully they will release the television version on Netflix instant and take the theatrical version down.
  21. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype


  22. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Yes, and you're right. The extended version is how it was always meant to be seen, the irony being that it wasn't seen that way until after Bergman died. It just didn't make much sense in the theatrical cut, and of course the original Swedish broadcast was in pan
    'n'scan at low resolution, so...

    You know what's great for Netflix instant view? The ten thousand really good documentaries made in the past twenty years or so. Most people don't get motivated to see them in theaters (if they even make the jump from festivals to theaters) and there are so many that are worthwhile.
  23. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Yes, for sure Dean! I've seen a few in theaters but honestly I don't feel like I can pay to see anything in the theater that doesn't offer lots of explosions or dead bodies. So the fact that I can watch lots of docs now streaming is awesome. I've watched a dozen or so at this point via my XBOX.
  24. Mike Like Bike

    Mike Like Bike Comment King

    The documentary selection is big,but I wish it wasn't so flooded with the Nat Geo stuff. Ones I have recently watched were Cropsey and Beer Wars.

    Cropsey was good. It was about an urban legend of an escaped mental patient who lived in the old abandoned Willowbrook Mental Institution, who would come out late at night and snatch children off the streets. Later on they discovered that Cropsey might be real.

    Beer Wars was decent. It's about the big beer companies Vs. the smaller craft breweries. For the smaller breweries, Dog Fish Head was focused on a lot.
  25. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    The craziest docs I've seen on instant so far are Jesus Camp and one about Christian Haunted Houses. Jesus Camp I didn't want to watch, but then I was stuck and couldn't turn away. My personal favorites have been King of Kong even though it's bias as hell and one about LARPing, that was just fun to watch.

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