Most underappreciated toy of childhood

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I've taken a couple of passes at finding information on a series of toys very similar to the Mighty Max sets that Lalo posted last week - I swear I remember buying a couple of head-that-opens-up-to-become-a-diarama-playset toys with a Godzilla theme - but I haven't been able to hit on the right set of words for Google to spit back gold for me.

    Sound familiar to any of you? My recollection of them is so cloudy I don't remember if I picked them up in '89 or '99!
  2. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    I loved this awesome rollercoaster set even though it was so fuckin complicated.
    Can't wait till I have some spare funds, definitely picking up a set soon.
  3. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I think you are talking about the Trendmasters Micro playsets circa 1994:


    Anyways, now that you got the name you can score the interweb for more images. There is a write up on by Bob Schneider on CT as well here

    They also did some pretty sweet Tarzan sets along the same line

  4. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    I HAD THIS. It was so good because I was sooo into micro toys as a kid. Mighty Max unappreciated? Certainly not by me. I had every set and played with them 'til I gradually lost everything to small crevices. Damn that couch.
  5. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Indeed I was. Thanks!

    It was driving me crazy not being able to remember it. Makes sense that it was '94 - I was haunting Toys R Us around then for the first time in a long time because of those awful American Ultraman toys.

    Muscles. Ha!
    Headhunter likes this.
  6. marswillrule

    marswillrule Line of Credit

    Great, now I'm scouring eBay for Fisher Price Adventure people for the boy. Already got him some tub toys, now need to find jeeps and what not for outside.

    Loved the Matchbox M.A.C. toys as a kid. I loved all the accessories.
  7. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    This is the curse that haunts those of us haunted with Meglophobia... Always loosing our favorite things in the couch...
  8. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I've found so many amazing things inside all the various used couches I've had over the years - Hands wash, y'know?
    Beautiful pipes, weird Mexican tarot cards, many varieties of plastic jewels, family photos, toy bits, wrist watches... and so much more, including of course the requisite $9,000 in loose change from several countries.
    I'm wishing now that I'd taken pictures of it all as it was discovered!
    boon velvet and Headhunter like this.
  9. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    A long needed bump for my old pals Pulsar and Hypnos:
    Mattel's cash-grab for some of that sweet, sweet Six Million Dollar Man monies.

    Pardon the lazy reportage. Have some ads!

  10. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Were you wearing a ghost costume while Haunting Toys R Us? Lmao

    Also if it were not for that Ultraman series and toys there would have been an entire generation that wouldn't have even been exposed to that Kaiju franchise. So it does deserve some credit at least. Hopefully the licensing gets freed up so us Americans can experience more of it.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2018
  11. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Totally had this.. That thing was dope..
  12. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    You've seen the Big Trak, but have you ever seen the Big Hak?


    I am a huge fan of the Star Bird, too. I have one that I bought for $10 at a show a few years ago and cleaned up, will post pics.
    boon velvet, ultrakaiju and hellopike like this.
  13. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    old_seaweed likes this.
  14. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Holy shit man, I totally had that when I was younger and it was so bad ass.
    ultrakaiju and The Moog like this.
  15. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    I remember Big Trak.
    My Friend, his cousin, and I took one to the beach doused it in model glue and set it on fire. It produced a thick, black, smoke.:cry:
  16. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    The UK version of Big Trak was in white, the US was in grey. When I was a kid our Math teacher brought one in with the trailer. He taught us how to program-in the commands and when it reached its destination, it would dump the load (I think we used apples).
    Mr Fox and noeleaser like this.
  17. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    if I had a dollar for every childhood toy that met it’s end by being burned, melted or exploded…

    I’d have at least $10-20

    I think my most under appreciated toy was I had one “Centurian” figure… the Blue airplane themed hero. I remember it being such a cool idea, the modular weaponry/armor/transportation aspect, but I didn’t have much beyond the base figure, which after losing a wing or two left it as a pretty lame toy.

    The other big one now that I think about it would be the fisher price “PXL 2000” camcorder my grandparents bought me in 1987. It recorded b&w video on audio cassette tapes. I was too young to grasp how to fully utilize it. It needed bright bright lighting to get a decent image quality and a steady hand. And I’m sure I didn’t use the best cassette tapes to record.
  18. old_seaweed

    old_seaweed Toy Prince

    Pulsar and Hypnos were so great. So was Gre-Gory!

    I had too many toys, but these haunt me. I don't think they could be marketed anywhere (in the West?) today:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I've tracked down the Pet Ghost, and could probably seek out a Squirmle, but I think I prefer the memory.

    Also, this:

    (not my pic/not my mulch) (Evenflo King Neptune)

    Hard to describe the allure I have to this one, but a whiff of any vintage Bullmark reminds me of it. The magical soapy smell.
  19. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Oh shit... memory activated on that King Neptune and Seahorse!!
  20. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  21. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    I think I had that seahorse too. Who made it?
  22. old_seaweed

    old_seaweed Toy Prince

    @Roger I always thought it was Avon, but it's Evenflo, the car seat/stroller company. It's possible Eddie Vedder and Raven, the wrestler, had this seahorse too.
    ungawa222 and hellopike like this.
  23. rattanicus

    rattanicus Mini Boss

    Besides my Shogun Warriors fascination, Big Jim was the hugest deal for me. Right before Star Wars turned the world upside down!
    HBCoffin, ungawa222 and old_seaweed like this.
  24. One toy that I had alot of fun with was the scuba diving Frogman with windup flippers that would dive when you put the baking powder disks in him. Bath time fun!
    ungawa222, old_seaweed and rattanicus like this.
  25. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    So true! My brother and I would have well over $50. We were destructive puppies :dam:[/QUOTE]
    ungawa222 likes this.

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