morphy auction will want to read this

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by vintagevinyl, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit

  2. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Gulp! :shock:

    I can't wait to see the catalog!!
  3. AladdinSane

    AladdinSane Addicted

    Both Roger and I know the collection. The seller is one of my closest friends. It's going to be a pretty massive auction.
  4. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Just went to the Morphy page and there is a little sneak peak window showing small pics of some of the vinyls...Pegila and Leafman!
    A perfect Leafman with sword would be awesome! The Pegila is a beaut!

    What an insane collection!!!!
  5. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit

  6. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    And did you see the Kendoras with its blades... !

    Pics of his collection here

    The guy seems to be pretty optimistic, selling his collection to start it all over again :!:

    I wish I could come to the auction, even just for the atmosphere. I've been to auction houses before but not for toys, and this should be a really great experience.

    I'll content myself with the online catalogue. :cry:
  7. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Wow great pictures from a collection that is beyond words! Thanks for the link plasticXO!

    That thread deteriorates pretty fast though...which I found kinda lame...

    Read thru it for a good laugh...threats, guns, alarms, guard dogs...and a little bit about Robots :lol:
  8. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Wow hell of a lot of kaiju in those cases. Old and New. I saw one of my most wanted (yellow painted lucky bag matango by m1) sitting on the bottom of one. Ya know Denver PA is not far from Buffalo NY really :)
  9. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Denver, PA = boner town, USA.
  10. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    ah so this is public now.

    should be interesting for sure.
  11. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    Ohhh mannn...., I would love a shot at the Argentinian Supersol Kanegons! :shock:
  12. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    so does one actually have to be there for this auction or is it open to online bidders through the auctioneer as well? sorry at work didn't read all the fine print....
  13. plover

    plover S7 Royalty

  14. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    i think i read that it is open to online bidders as well. it says the info will be up on their website soon.
    i've heard a bit about what will be included and it sounds like a fantastic opportunity for some.
  15. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  16. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Ed: you, me, Jenn, and Ryan...road trip! :D

    Guys, this is seriously going to be HUGE. As the chief kaiju wrangler of the event, I can pretty much guarantee blown minds and melted eyeballs. The vintage pieces, alone, are staggering. And MUCH thanks to Jim for hustling them!

    And, yes, Lixx, you can bid online, but I think the commission jumps from 18% to 20%. But for real, if there's ANY chance in hell you can make it to this event in person, you should do it. It's gonna be epic!
  17. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    it was funny to hear you talking about everything that you guys looked at, and then seeing the giant table of popy and just realizing exactly HOW much stuff there really was.

    **edit...I for some reason thought it was Denver, CO. I'll talk to Ryan tonight about it :D **
  18. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Thanks for the info Sanjeev & Ed. I'd totally love to be there, as I have off that day and the following two days so time is not a problem. Thing is I don't own a car and Buffalo is a far away pit stop for anyone to make trekking down there :( It would be fun to meet fellow skullbrainers though because I feel like I'm a world of my own here. Well commission rate is probably almost equal to japanese middlemen!
  19. diceone

    diceone Toy Prince

    I think it's awesome that my first reply gets to be in a thread on an auction that will change and possibly unite so many fans of toy collecting.
    I'm going to this auction and truly look forward to meeting ANY and ALL of you.
    If anyone else from NYC is going, please let me know.
  20. kidclam

    kidclam Mini Boss

    Awesome just to attend and not buy anything. Seeing all these vintage stuff is very inspiring...
  21. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    pretty good chance we'll be there 8)
  22. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    about a 4 hour drive from pittsburgh. hmmm.
  23. Mark K

    Mark K Addicted

    6hrs from Clevo...I mo be there
  24. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    @ you know when the online catalog will go up? Will everything be online?
    Thanks in advance!
  25. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Ralph, I wish I could tell ya a definite date, but I'm not sure. HOWEVER, you can rest assured: everything going on the block WILL be online. I think the commission goes from 18 to 20 percent, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

    Of'd be better if you could make it in person...! ;)

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