I have a request

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by Frank Kozik, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. SmorkinDoobers

    SmorkinDoobers Toy Prince

    im #860 out of 2,354
    Its crazy how this place blew up since the time I signed on
  2. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    See, in just a few short moments of people posting a reply longer than a single line, or actually explaining their thoughts/actions (no one here is a mind reader) things even out and are much easier for everyone.

    As far as "KR shit", I have to point out that I do think an amazing amount of what comes out of the company, and companies trying to live up to their example is not up to par for anyone that really appeciates the subtlety of manufacturing and character design. I can't say everything they make is bad, but the majority I see as derivative, regardless of how well it sells. That said, I am not going to deride a collector who likes it, just as I have plenty of oddball stuff at my house which someone could deride me for. (just a few short years ago, bootleg kaiju were considered the worst things imaginable by Japanese collectors, and would never soil a respectable collection, now the table has turned.)

    In all honesty, most everyone on here collects more than just Japanese kaiju in some capacity, whether it is Star Wars, Comic Books, Anime or [expletive deleted]. What you choose or not choose is up to you. The difference in my opinion, I collect stuff that you can tell the manufacturers have an inherent passion for, which comes out in the toys. I also prefer the complete freedom Japanese vinyl seems to have, rather than the "make something everyone can like" mentality in western vinyl. That is why I love so many of these Japanese micro-companies, yet other companies seem to be bandwagon riders (even in Japan). Star Wars action figures were lame for years, and then they came out with Ralph McQuarrie versions, how rad! Kubricks were brilliant at first, but look like the most burned out platform lacking complete emotion now. So, when I deride "KR toys" I am referring to the genre as a whole, and the uninspired looking toys within it. There are still brilliant western toys (that Fauna set is amazing), but so much is uninspiring and unemotional to me. Super7 has, since the very beginning, shown western artists and toys that we felt were up to snuff, the difference is, we are much heavier on Japanese toys, because they have been better executed as a whole (in my opinion), and we focus on the good ones (tons of bad Japanese toys out there). The toy world is much bigger than it was two years ago. Ramos wasn't the reason the board was that way, even he has lots of western stuff, don't confuse the content with the quality. As more people get here, there are more opinions on what makes a toy good or not. That said, if you want to talk about KR releases, go to their board to do it, they have plenty of space.

    Everyone here was new at some point, and come from some aspect of collecting elsewhere, so I expect there to be a constant stream of people dipping their toes in our little pool. Some will like it and stay, others will bail out. If you invest yourself in this board you will be surprised what you get out of it. If you detach yourself, you will get nothing in return. Other than that, cool your jets, they are just toys - and look for the Super7 Manifesto in the mook intro. It will tell you exactly where we stand.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  4. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    BTW HMS, Alone in a Crowd was a really good band.
  5. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    I am lucky number 711.
  6. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

  7. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Cool... I'm keeping unicorns employed... :D
  8. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    SB'er # 724 if Missy says she's a Fresh Meat then I guess that makes me what?? Pond scum..?? :( ;)
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Fresh Meat, toob, boob, goo goo ga joob. It is all the same and doesn't matter. Just enjoy.
  10. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    You're just saying that cuz you're #872
  11. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    oh great you've unleashed the monster, already 2 new picture posts(jk Geo) but seriously please consider using 1 thread as your base instead of cluttering the the showoff forum with a new thread for each toy.
  12. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer


    :lol: sorry couldn't help myself :lol:
  13. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Or start a blog or something... ;)
  14. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    up to 3 and counting :roll:
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Clutter is the name of a fairly well-regarded toy magazine.

    But I am not sure why it is considered clutter in the first place.

    In any event, my brain "asks" for a new post for new topics. I probably will resist the suggestion to combine everything into one thread 'til the end.
  16. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    do we really have to go through this all over again? Geo, it's selfish, you will have an entire page filled with your posts and others who may open 1 thread to show their stuff will be alone on page 2 hidden under all of your posts. Please re-consider.
  17. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    and please don't take it the wrong way, I have always enjoyed your pics
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You could have said the same thing in one post, yet you used two.


    The other thing is, I don't do full shelf shots. I like to keep the "subjects" separate.
  19. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    You're only allowed to have one toy out of the closet at a time?
  20. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Do you even have a full shelf of toys, I thought you kept them all in the closet?

    Why don't you just take seperate photos of your "subjects" :roll: and put them all into your super awesome, never ending photo thread?
  21. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    that would be 1 awesome thread!

    you should consolidate geo.. ;) :)
  22. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    or start a blog or something...
  23. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    sweetness I am crazy
  24. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    This thread was soooo close to a happy ending . . . .
  25. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast


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