I have a request

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by Frank Kozik, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    There are some board memembers who seem to dislike me and my stuff and are always bashing me etc on the boards.

    Which is totally cool. I believe in free speech.

    BUT, if you are one of those people, please do NOT even bother to send me a pm over some item I am selling or trading or whatever.


  2. enjoipanda

    enjoipanda Toy Prince

    people forget the "if you don't have anything nice to say" rule.

    go frank, go.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Holy shit, Frank! If only it was easy!!!
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  5. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    ha - is that sig. line from a pm?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    i think it's from a children's book
  7. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    AWESOME! now just change it to say "NO SLOPPY CUSTOMS"
  9. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    going through life as an anonymous troll seems a cowardly existence.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    who's anonymous?
    i'll gladly tell you who i am, where i live and all that stuff.
  11. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    my comment was not specifically directed at any one in particular. I am commenting on the phenomenon in general.

    It seems a current social trend, and it saddens me.

    Instead of tearing down others, why not build up something of ones own?

    Perhaps my optimism blinds me to the reality of life.

    Tha being said..MORE TOYS SOON.
  12. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

    There came a point where i thought if I saw one more boxed smorkin labbit set with all the accessories at like urban outfitters or metropark i was going to puke. But we are all chill now.

    I blame KR anyway. haha. they should have just made the ones with the ice cream and they would have all been gone before I got annoyed with them.

  13. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

  14. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    HMS is okay in my book.

    Debate and flames and trolling are not a new phenomenon. Existed for years, going back to Usenet and earlier. Venture into political, religious or Mac/PC forums and you will find some really nasty motherfuckers who make this board look like rainbow and unicorn land.
  15. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Absolutely. In medieval times there was much trolling, and flames to go with them. Yea, verily.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I don't neccesarily disagree with your expressed sentiment, Frank, in your original post. But this statement coming from somebody who captitalizes and profits from images of hitler and other war imagery (not to mention smoking figures) is somehow incongruent. Please explain how this is "optimiistic" or otherwise somehow "builds up something" that is useful to society, or anything. I think that if there is a social trend against such stereotypical hate targets, it should be considered healthy, not saddening. I am asking for dialogue in response to your post, nothing else. I am sure that there will be a lot of "noise" in response to my reaction to your post, but that IS healthy.

  17. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Before the internet I demonstrated my resentment and jealousy with knuckle splintering face punching.

    I used to punch walls too sometimes but kept hitting those pesky studs by accident and those fuckers hurt like hell to punch but I kept doing it.

    The internet's ok I guess but its not satisfying. If I ever meet a real Unicorn I'm going to punch it in the snout really hard just for old times sake.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you meet a unicorn, I would recommend grabbing it by the horn, rather than punching it in the snout, if you are really interested in getting its attention, for old time's sake, or whatever.
  19. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    No, I'm definitely going to punch it in the snout...really hard.
  20. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Can we lock this?

    Lets end this and not take it to the whole hitler/war imagery crap. If you don't like it, don't buy it, to appriciate the power and aesthetic of the icongraphy/imagery doesn't make you a Nazi/war monger etc nor does it mean you approve of it either.
    And for the record, maybe Frank does profit off the imagery of nazis and war, but so does the history channel, every news station and so on.
  21. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    I always thought Frank's dictator-based items were about mocking them, not glorifying them. The Mao-sketeer is the first one that comes to mind.
  22. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    We were talking about punching Unicorns in the snout and now its back to world despots, WTF?
  23. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    i'd love to dry hump a unicorn
  24. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Unicorns poop out Frosted Poptarts.

    Quite the useful animal.
  25. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Give Frank his own forum to mod and pimp on Skullbrain.
    He can moderate what is said and done.
    KR kiddies can flock to that and keep kissing ass. Others can ignore it.
    Case solved. Next?

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