Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Most people in general are fine in an everyday setting. When I visit a friend in the Midwest everyone is the absolute sweetest; his whole town asks where I'm from and how I like the States, tries harder to pronounce my name than anybody in New York, offers me donuts at church. His whole town also voted in the dude who's giving me a really hard time getting a visa and, more importantly, putting children in camps. They'll do it again next year. Lovely people support sick shit through ignorance, or by simply looking out for their own, all the time.

    Anyway I'm sure He-Man folks are great :lol: just a point I wanted to make.
  2. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    There’s a great episode of This American Life - 673: Left Behind where they talk about Morristown, Tennessee and how the residents supported Trump and ICE until they realized their friends and neighbors were raided in the local slaughterhouse. The members of the town, notably the church, ended up raising money to help with legal fees to help reunite families.
    ButcherBrand and bunnyboy like this.
  3. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Oh, come on guys, do I need to spell it out? HE-MAN WEARS AN IRON CROSS ON HIS CHEST!
    toothaction and The Moog like this.
  4. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

  5. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    The Moog likes this.
  6. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Its childish i know, but i never tire of this one either ;)

  7. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Jeez I see the real purpose of that "armor" now... Who knew nipples could be cross... uh... -nippled, I guess..?? :?
    The Moog likes this.
  8. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Can't unsee that. :? :lol:
    The Moog likes this.
  9. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    good one
  10. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Mandarake taking the piss with their recent pricing? In other news: water is wet. Regardless, look at this. JUST LOOK AT IT. For all of those who lurk on Skullbrain viewing this post: FUCK YOU. DON’T DO THIS SHIT. DO NOT CONTINUE THIS CURRENT MARKET TREND.[​IMG]
    SpectralNight, Alebrije and bryce_r like this.
  11. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    It's not surprising.
  12. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    I'm all for idiots burning their money on the flavor of the month. Means that I can pick up what I like with minimal hassle overall.

    EDIT: not that these aren't great toys, or that RxH is a flash in the pan. But if you really enjoy sofubi, you'll find tons of other equally amazing things at reasonable prices.
    Brooklyn_Vinyl likes this.
  13. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Yeah it is all a point of perspective. Mandarake this same day had a slew of some incredibly choice toys for 15-5000 yen listed for the discerning eye who just appreciates wonderful toys and classic kaiju. If you aren't chasing the 'big names' and just want some fun, there is a ton of treasure to find in this hobby.
  14. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    This is true. I still use them all the time to buy plenty of great shit. Mandarake are first and foremost a business. They don't have a moral compass. It's the "collectors" faults for creating prices like this on all the newest hot shit. For if they did not support these prices, these prices would not continue. I'm happy collecting the classics in the meantime, but I still remain an eternally bitter cunt towards those who are both stupid enough and can afford to continue this trend. I feel that out of the collectors I've known personally, there's been a direct correlation with those having the biggest wallets also being the least informed.

    What else should I say really? Eat the rich!
  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Oh for sure. And I firmly echo your FU, and all it's associate frustration, just to be clear. As a fan of Butanohana for - gosh is it that long now? :oops: - I can fully appreciate this. Just trying to point out that while there has become a lot of what I would view as toxic views, materialism, and hype-chasing now with the soft vinyl hobby, there is still a niche to be found for first time and affordable collections to get a share of some really great stuff (and I am talking classic vintage Bullmarks as an example, so it doesn't really get any more OG than that) for a tiny fraction of what most would spend just to tout their success at whatever art toy lottery for IG likes, what-have-you.
  16. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    This is no disrespect to Mori, but his aftermarket prices are a textbook example of how fucked this market is. Dude has literally THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of toys floating out in the world, all priced super affordable out of the box. He still produces vinyl at a breakneck speed (is 100 new toys a week a fair assessment? Genuinely don't know). Anyone spending $500+ on a RxH adult figure now under the expectation it will be worth more tomorrow is going to be sorely disappointed, and for them I say this:

    Don't worry, I am sure when you refresh this page tomorrow it'll jump up to 150,000
    skaldavsatanssol likes this.
  17. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    But that is a wonderful dye job. I assume by Shef?
  18. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Google! Just because it needs to be said. I'd say Facebook too, but that's just a given. But FUCK YOU Google just for being Google. I will join the rebellion and fight you to the death when you stop hiding in the shadows, secretly trying to take over the world and blatantly try to take over the world
    patrickvaz and bunnyboy like this.
  19. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Fuck you to my banking institution.

    Yes you caught some fraud, good job.
    Texted me, we took care of it. Told me goto bank the next day to get new card. I get to bank, can’t get temp card because idiot on phone put a request in for new one. Card comes a week later. I activate it, go to use it, declined, what? Call bank, the new card is closed out, I just activated it? When was it closed? The day it was issued, huh? Wait for another new card.

  20. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Went through almost the exact same situ w/ my bank last month. The person I dealt with in the Go To The Bank chapter practically needed me to hold his hand through our transaction. Frightening ineptitude.
  21. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    What a shitty bank. When I've had CC fraud before I had a replacement card sent to me overnight, not snail mail.
  22. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    It’s not a huge deal really. I always got a temp card the next day. Then waited for the replacement. The new card arrived yesterday. It just makes it harder for me to spend my money.
  23. rattanicus

    rattanicus Mini Boss

    A big FU to the squirming lowlife that stole my toy from its envelope, which was delivered empty to me.
    I hope it brings you no joy.
  24. jl

    jl Line of Credit

    Jerez, that sucks major time !! Sorry to hear about that !!
  25. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    That is a huge bummer to read, Rei. :( If you don’t mind my asking, what was it that was taken?
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