Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Vinyl Skin

    Vinyl Skin Toy Prince

    @foto junkaay This reminds me of a similar situation depicted in the film
    "A Bronx Tale".
  2. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    We were considering going to that show when we were in town
  3. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    Fuck my stupid birthday that sucked. Getting older is not near what you hope it will be when you are younger. It just sucks.
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Sorry to hear that Brandon. I wouldn't get so down on it, these things can happen for all of us from time to time. Maybe next year will bring with it a celebration to knock all others out of the park! It's also what you make of it. If yesterday was sort of crap, then try and go all out for this weekend enjoy yourself. Happy Belated Birthday, man.
  5. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Godamn it.. Odibex joined the KR forum this morning.. :?
    smurph and Nuggets303420 like this.
  6. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    "A place for everything and everything in it's place."

    Fuck Juicy Fruit. It has flavor for like 3 seconds. What the hell happened to the Gatorade gum that made my childhood worthwhile?
    Mr.Krotpong and Vinyl Skin like this.
  7. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    I very much appreciate the well wishes. I know life is a hell of a roller coaster. I am not one to wine and moan but I am in a very poopy situation that I am not going to get all into here but I basically had a nuclear bomb dropped on me and now I am just trying to sort through the rubble. It wasn't just a shitty bday, everday is shitty for me. It would have just been nice to have had one nice fun day this year. Also I totally get we all get shit on from time to time and by no means am I trying to have a pitty party. It's just at this particular time I have A LOT of shit on me. I am just trying to get out of it.
  8. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    You down with Odibex? Ya you know me....... He will have a great time ruining that forum now.
  9. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    W*ll is*'t th*t j*ust f*ucking d*lightful!

    W*ll s*id, W*terb*ar.
  10. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    fuck foam pumpkins for carving seem fun... but they are dangerous... i used an xacto knife to cut and i was scared for my life both pumpkins i carved. i still have all 10 digits, didn't even graze myself, but the thought that it could happen had me on edge the entire time.
    even though i say f them, im not opposed to using again, as you can keep them and redisplay next year with your next creation.
  11. taviq

    taviq Toy Prince

    Fuck JUNK MAIL! I mean seriously, FUCK JUNK MAIL. I never check it. Why should I? It's filled with penis pills and bullshit. But today I looked and saw I had over 800 messages in it so I'd look it over. Plus I'm at work and fuck that. So guess what I find? A whole bunch of toy lotteries that I won. Like a bunch. The most annoying of them all? HxS Kraken. Goddamnit! One of my most wanted toys. And I guess I won it. FUCK YOU JUNK MAIL! I also got cast in an awesome show I was super upset about not being in. WHAT THE FUCK! How are these messages getting into junk mail? A fucking puppetry show. And lots of other toys. Too many toys. UGH!
  12. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Oof, taviq. Sorry, man. That stings.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  13. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    its annoying and takes time, but sit there and get yourself off the damn mailing list for all of them.
  14. SstatusSkuo

    SstatusSkuo Toy Prince

    Fuck petty ass ex girlfriends.
    TattooDougHardy and eckotyper like this.
  15. sketchyhabits

    sketchyhabits Fresh Meat

    Fuck the guys that were groping at my work, and Fuck the manager for making me feel like it was my fault it happened. Fuck today. Fuck the people who have seriously fucked up our childhoods and sculpted the terrible habits we have as adults now.
  16. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    This is such bullshit, and I’m so tired of seein’ scumbags get away with this kind of behavior. Fuck those guys, fuck your manager, fuck your workplace and fuck societal complacency for not stopping this type of shit enough.

    I’m sorry this is something you’ve had to endure even just once, let alone repeatedly.
  17. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Fuck obidex. That goon searched for me on the KR Forums and left me another one of his dipshit, long winded messages, responding to virtually every sentence I typed, daft as ever. I didn’t even waste my time reading it, but instead suggested he take the time he does having pity parties and instead put that into mental illness awareness efforts.

    And fuck anxiety.
  18. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Dude, report that shit to the Guru. I know he lurks on here and he's totally aware of the drama on here caused by him..
    Good luck.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  19. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Go above your manager. My guess is he's trying to damage control and not look bad for being a dipshit. I'd go above him. you totally have the right. All it takes is one email too the right person.
    sketchyhabits likes this.
  20. CopASquatToys

    CopASquatToys Comment King

    Yeah FUCK that!! I would totally go above your manager. It will doubtfully fall on deaf ears with what’s going on in the news lately.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  21. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Speaking of the news, if your complaint does fall on deaf ears, go straight to a woman on your local news team with this information. The last thing they want is to be portrayed like that on the news.
  22. sketchyhabits

    sketchyhabits Fresh Meat

    As much as I'm annoyed with my manager for how he talked to me about it after, I wouldn't wish the guy lose his job over it. Just a fed up day. Already went over how dismissive he was about the situation. And he's aimed to fix that. so enh it's something.
  23. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Someone once told me there was this thing called toy karma. Ahahahahaa....

    But really, fuck me for getting worked up for silly plastic dollies. :(

    My sympathies for those with problems in the real world.
  24. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Fuck people that take photos with iPads. What the fuck is wrong with you? The photos aren’t better than your phone, plus it’s noticeably heavier than one too.
  25. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Fuck mold.
    My entire weed crop got ruined this year because of mold. I am devastated. I will be turning it all into bubble hash, which will filter out and wash away the mold in the process but it’s a lot of work and an additional cost. I’ve been growing since I moved to Colorado but after this fiasco, I think I’m done..
    A bunch of it was going to a family friend who is going through chemo right now. I can’t give her moldy flowers.. FUCK.
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
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