Criterion DVD's 50% off

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Biff, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Lee J Cobb is brilliant in that role! Very underrated actor. Every movie (at least in his heyday) I saw him in he would totally sell the role. No matter the part.

    I should have got that Samurai Trilogy. It would have been only $25 but I have a two week trip to Spain starting next week. Had to resist.
  2. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    Just grabbed SALO at B&N, tomorrow is the last day for 50% off.
  3. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Maybe we should start a separate Criterion thread since there are so many appreciators of movies released by them here and not all discussion has to do with the sales. Anyway, I wanted to share the news that in November 2012 they'll be releasing another classic kaiju movie ... The X from Outer Space featuring giant monster Guilala! It will be one of four late sixties Japanese titles titles included in Eclipse Series 37: When Horror Came to Shochiku. The other titles are "Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell," "The Living Skeleton," and "Genocide."

  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Not a bad idea Dean. We could also potentially rename the Godzilla one (here into something like Criterion appreciation and news. Looking forward to Goke, haven't seen it in a while, and never a good print of it.

    While we are at it, can we resurrect the never-produced Gamera film? I need to see these guys in action:

  5. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Not sure, but I think sbbenhcs (who started the Criterion Godzilla thread) is the only person who could change the title. The only reason I didn't just start a new one is because sometimes Skullbrainers object to multiple threads on similar themes, but what the heck ... maybe I'll take the plunge anyway at some point, unless someone beats me to it. What is that Gamera foe on the right? It looks like a cupcake monster!
  6. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    okay, done easily enough... :mrgreen:
  7. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I am not sure, but his name may be 'Marukobukarappa' - either way he is definitely cool. His lower half seems to be mechanical but his upper shroom body definitely seems like he is some kind of bird/meteor. Here is another screencap.


    This is from Gamera vs. Garasharp (the dragon-cobra from the left image). I only recently learned of this great piece of undiscovered art thanks to toothaction, by way of their vinyl connection.
  8. antithesis816

    antithesis816 Toy Prince

    That looks awesome. I have been wondering why the Eclipse stuff isn't Blu-ray formatted though. Still, with upconversion it isn't the biggest deal ever, and I'll probably be picking this one up regardless.

    Stoked on Rosemary's Baby, Rashomon, and In The Mood For Love getting proper blu-ray treatment.
  9. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    My guess is that they figure the interest and sales aren't sufficient with the Eclipse series for them to fund Blu-Ray datacine/mastering/etc., which as I understand is expensive. For my part, some of the Eclipse sets have been some of the most fascinating viewing I've enjoyed in the past year. "Mr. Freedom" on the William Klein set is a must-see, one of the most amazingly over-the-top independent films I've ever seen. I've also loved the Robert Downey Sr. set (I can see where his son got the madness) and the Gorin set is also well worth it. At present I'm waiting for "Quadrophenia" to be released and of course "Rosemary's Baby." I've seen both films countless times but you just know the Criterion versions are going to be the best yet.
  10. kroker

    kroker Addicted

    Hulu Plus has 800+ streamable Criterion Collection movies fyi.
  11. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    ^ And commercials. :?
  12. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Somehow, I can't think of anything less fitting than commercials and Criterion movies...
  13. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    It's not on Criterion, but I noticed that at long last Kubrick's "Barry Lyndon" is available on Blu-Ray. You can also rent/buy the hid definition version from iTunes. Finally! If ever a movie deserved hi-def treatment...
  14. kroker

    kroker Addicted

    never noticed any during movies. they play before but only for a minute or so. definitely not a deal breaker for me
  15. antithesis816

    antithesis816 Toy Prince

    Hey, I can agree with this whole heartedly. Lyndon has some of the greatest cinematography of any movie, and I own the BR, and what it's lacking in features it makes up for in image.
  16. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    For anyone note on the know, they are having another "FLASH" ;) sale on the Criterion website. Only for one day until noon tomorrow.
  17. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Love those 50% off sales. Just ordered Oshima's "In the Realm of the Senses." I've never seen it ... it's about time!
  18. ShadowSpectre

    ShadowSpectre Addicted

    :shock: Thank you for letting me know!
  19. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Aaand it's 50% off over at B&N again...
  20. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Regular sale is back on for the next day over at the Criterion website. Lots of great releases this year I would love to pick up (in addition to all those still on my 'list'). Ah well, it will come again.
  21. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    discount code FLASHY if your not signed up for the emails
  22. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I was just checking out the AK 100 box set. Totally blown away. At 50% off I don't see the few remaining ones lasting very long at all. Even at full price it is astounding. What a library by the master, and one you would surely not be able to get anywhere else.
  23. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Too bad it's not blu-ray. At this point, DVDs feel a little like VHS tapes...
  24. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Not to discourage anyone, but as with their "Art House Classics" series, the discs in the AK 100 set are "bare bones" releases that don't include all of the extras on the single-title releases. If you don't mind that, it's a bargain. However for those of us who are geeks about cinema, nobody's "extras" beat Criterion's.

    By the way, a word of respect for Donald Richie, who passed away this week. Mr. Richie was the world's foremost authority on Japanese film history, recognized as such even in Japan. His book "A Hundred Years of Japanese Film" is incredible. I remember that a mere ten pages in, I felt like I'd learned a lot that explained conventions of Japanese film that may be confusing to non-Japanese. The book includes a guide to suggested DVDs. Strongly recommended if it sounds interesting.
  25. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    What a bummer, didn't know he had passed away. What I really appreciated about him is that he often seemed to almost feel humbled by the power of cinema, like the bit on the Au Hasard Balthazar DVD where he talks about the ending. A wonderful and brilliant man who will be sorely missed.

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