
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by cornbluth, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    - Strongly variable, as there were several other artists and writers back then IMS. There was also a semi-regular mini-story at the back of a lot of them that were set in the bar and often involved Grimjack's pet Bob, a small alcoholic dinosaur.
  2. nico000

    nico000 Toy Prince

    Finding myself looking for ... I dunno how to call it... ‘stupid vengeful mean comics’. Something particularly soothing to me during stressful times.

    Just finished the Prison Pit series I had on hold for the last few years. Then got ‘Vague Tales’ from Eric Haven. All great but short reads.


    I would greatly appreciated any leads to help me find more opus of that ‘genre’. Manga also welcome.
    Ghost Attack likes this.
  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    ^ I think I can help, but I'll start with a couple of folks that you've probably already perused: Mr. Dan Clowes was plenty angry in his early days, and some would call it mean, but I'd say more razor sharp when it came to taking on his targets; and Pete Bagge was less so mean than soothingly bitter. If by some extraordinary series of circumstance you've never stepped in to Eightball and Hate, make haste!

    You might like to look up a fellow named Ivan Brunetti, too. Schizo, collected as Misery Loves Comedy, is dark as fuck, and his collection of gag cartoons, Haw!, might just be the dumbest, meanest book I own.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
    nico000 likes this.
  4. taviq

    taviq Toy Prince

    I've re read my astro city trades which lead me to having to buy every trade I'm missing. What great story telling. It also feel nice when a collection is complete.
  5. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Off the top of my head i would recommend 'Stray Bullets' by David Lapham and his full length book 'Murder me Dead'. Lapham spends much of his time thinking about the horrible things people do to each other.

    Also, the Vertigo series 'Sandman Mystery Theatre', about a vigilante who goes up against some particularly nasty and perverted scum living in late 1930's New York.

    Also, 'Strange Embrace' by David Hine. Its about a malicious clairvoyant obsessed with a tragically dysfunctional family. Its very dark and really weird, and is a bit of a classic.

    Also 'Torpedo' written by Sanchez Abuli, about a gangster and his gang that positively revels in their nastiness and debauchery.
    nico000 likes this.
  6. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    I would also like to add, another Vertigo series called 'The Exterminators' which includes mutated cockroaches and a reborn Egyptian pharaoh who worships insects. It reaches some pretty fucked-up heights.

    Also, a dark little gem called 'Night Fisher' by R. Kikuo Johnson. Its about high school kids in Hawaii getting mixed up in some shady shit.

    Also, 'The Doofus Omnibus' by Rick Altergot. About a bunch of creeps, losers, weirdos ...
    nico000 likes this.
  7. nico000

    nico000 Toy Prince

    Thanks guys,

    Besides Straight Bullets, Daniel Clowes and Peter Bagge , all the titles and authors you mentioned are new or have been overlooked by me.
  8. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member


    Hey @nico000: Another obvious one - Is it a safe bet that you've tried the adventures of Megg, Mogg and Owl on for size? Had to check.

    A wet, drooling +1 to Altergott, @The Moog. Probably my favorite of Clowes' bedfellows. I actually hadn't seen anything new from him since '97 or so, but last year had the great and unexpected one-two punch of discovering that the omni existed (not new, but at least a third of it never before seen by mine eyes) and his triumphant return in Kramers #10. Almost forgot, I haven't yet had the pleasure of reading Raisin Pie - the aughts series he made with his wife, Ariel Bordeaux - as I wasn't hep to it as it was happening. Damn radar was on the fritz again.
    The Moog likes this.
  9. nico000

    nico000 Toy Prince

    Thanks @toothaction!

    Yeah, I do know of Megg, Mogg and Owl. To me, mean comics are anything in between Werewolf Jones and Cannibal Fuckface. Those are my favorite fuckers characters.

    The Doofus Omnibus is pretty cool indeed. Good bunch of creeps and losers right there.

    On a totally different genre, a book I keep opening at the moment is Bicycle Day, from Brian Blomerth. [​IMG]
  10. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    ^ Fun read. Was a thoughtful gift/prank payola from an excellent boardie. I wasn't hep to it before his kindness.

    Panel o' the Day:
    The heavily up-sized Fantastic Four: Grand Design treasury is everything and more, folks. Profoundly satisfying in hand.
  11. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member


    Dear Colleagues,

    When you’re younger, you don’t think about being old enough to tell “I remember when…” stories, but for most of us that day inevitably arrives.

    Today, I’m remembering when there were no comic book stores.

    Finding comics back then could be a real challenge.

    Finding them today, though, without the efforts of the Direct Market to evangelize on behalf of our industry to readers everywhere would be next to impossible.

    Finding them tomorrow could be impossible, full-stop, if our entire industry doesn’t come together now on behalf of comic book stores everywhere.

    We are all living through a moment of momentous change as we struggle to deal with the effects of COVID-19. We can’t simply pretend it’s business as usual. Few of us have escaped the damage the rapid spread of this virus has had on our businesses, our relationships, our everyday lives. We’re all frightened by the long-term implications of such a major health crisis, but more than that, we’re all grappling with the fear that always comes when the immediate future is not only bleak, but uncertain.

    What frustrates me the most right now is that I know how horrifying that uncertainty must be for our retail partners. When customers were electing to stay out of shops as a public safety measure, that was bad enough, but now that all non-essential businesses are being ordered to close, the fallout from such closures will certainly cause an economic ripple effect with unknown outcome.

    We’ve already outlined some of what we’re doing at Image:

    • We’re now making all new product on FOC for the next 60 days returnable (thru 5/18 FOC), and we are prepared to extend that as necessity dictates.
    • We’re cancelling non-essential releases like second printings and reprints.
    • We’re offering suggestions to Diamond for ways to mitigate the impact of this crisis on retailers threatened by mandatory store closures.
    • And as of yesterday, we are looking at ways to reschedule and stagger the release of our comics, trade paperbacks, and graphic novels so that we’re not pumping product into the marketplace at a time when retailers and consumers alike are dealing with financial struggle for an indeterminate amount of time.
    We do this because we love comics, we love this industry, and we recognize our place in the ecosystem we all rely on to survive.

    What we do, however, is not enough.

    Image may be the third largest comics publisher in the United States, but percentage-wise, that’s a long way from number two. Despite reacting to the crisis facing our retail partners quickly and with the best of intentions, we are one publisher, and while many stores do rely on our books for their businesses, we are but a piece of the overall sales pie.

    For true relief, and if the Direct Market is going to make it through this ordeal, we all need to join together to minimize the effects of shop closures on the stores we need for this marketplace to survive. Some publishers have already discussed the possibility of making their product returnable, but that’s still not enough: We need everyone.

    With all due respect to our publishing peers, we urge you to enact similar measures that will help our retail partners get through these harrowing times. Everybody at every level of our industry needs to do everything we can to support one another. Let's put our heads together and find ways to protect the people who make what we do possible.

    I understand that not every publisher is in the position Image is in when it comes to making these decisions. Image is not owned by a large corporation or beholden to stockholders. Regardless, this is a time where we all have to do our part. I know that for some of you, that means jumping through a lot of hoops – but if there was ever a time to do it, that time is now.



    Eric Stephenson


    Image Comics, Inc.
    Headhunter and Bob like this.
  12. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Albert Uderzo (artist), co-creator of The Adventures of Asterix, has died at the age of 92. Rene Goscinny (writer) died back in 1977.

    Uderzo continued producing the artwork and took over writing duties after Goscinny died, but it was never really the same. He let a younger person take over writing in 2009 and in the last few years a younger artist took over the artwork.

    Along with Tintin, Asterix was one of the great comics that ignited my passion for the artform. Later I would graduate to the likes of 2000ad and Underground Comix, but Asterix has always been there like an old and trusted friend.

    Thanks for all the hard work boys, its always been appreciated.

  13. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Agree. Indeed, I was going to post about this yesterday. For myself, Asterix was way more the thing than Tintin ever was. I never understood how it always seemed to get second-tiered, and - a great shame - is barely known outside of Europe and the UK, where Tintin seemed to have reached a lot more international/translated markets. Was sad to hear of his passing. Thank you for the memories.
    The Moog likes this.
  14. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Yes, that's true. I think maybe it was because Asterix had lots of puns, gags and craziness. All the characters are larger than life with the big bulbous noses. Tintin was realistically drawn and a bit more serious in comparison.

    But when you read the classic Asterix books, they have just as much thought and work put into them as Tintin. Maybe even more so. The English translations alone are a work of art (all those puns and references).

    If you haven't read 'The complete guide to Asterix' by Peter Kessler its really worth a go. Its absolutely packed full of fascinating anecdotes about their working process, with loads of details and fun things pointed out that the average English speaker wouldn't know about.
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    In news of another epic auction, Sotheby's auction house has announced they are going to be selling off the Ian Levine collection, complete in one entire lot. That is a pretty astounding feat. For people not in the know, Mr. Levine's collection runs the entirety of DC comics publishing history, from 1934-2014, and is considered as the most comprehensive collection in the world. His materials were even used as the reference sources for Paul Levitz’s DC 75th anniversary history book 75 Years of DC Comics: The Art of Modern Mythmaking. Encompassing nearly every issue, that is one massive lifetime's work, and a sign of complete dedication. [Interestingly though, Levine is much more known for his efforts as a Doctor Who fan, than in the comics world, as a key figure in fighting to keep the series from cancellation in the 80s, and then working to restore the lost episodes.] It is essentially a complete run of the history of a comics giant. All those key golden issues are included. I don't know what to say here, can't really summarise it any more than that.

    Here is a link to the Sotheby's full auction catalogue as a pdf.

    Selling this as one massive lot is a tribute to the collection and the efforts of Mr. Levine to assemble it, and, in my opinion, is actually the best way this could go. Of course, and I think understandably, this means the price for the grouping is going to be extensive, and the buyers pool therefore quite limited. (Hence a big auction house undertaking the sale.) But keeping this all together rather than selling them piecemeal really maintains the history, which this is all about; rather than some individual comics people want to hand on their walls, etc. As a general reference, I pulled this from someone's post about the auction (I cannot speak to the accuracy of these as current market prices).

    Looking at just a few key golden age issues:

    Action Comics #1 $3.2 million
    Detective Comics #27 $1.075 million
    All Star Comics #8 (First appearance of Wonder Woman and the JLA) $936,000
    Batman #1 $560,000
    Flash #1 $450,000
    Action Comics #10 $258,000
    All-American Comics #16 (First appearance of the Green Lantern) $200,000
    Action Comics #13 $185,000
    Showcase $4 (First appearance of the Flash) $179,000

    Assuming the books are fine to near-mint, which, looking at the Sotheby’s catalog, they are, just those books alone are worth at least $7.5 million. So yeah, we are talking a pretty hefty grouping here. I'd kind of like to see this go to a museum, or heck, even DC as a library of their own stuff.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
    Headhunter and The Moog like this.
  16. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  17. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    With the death of the mainstream comic book industry happening right before our eyes with Diamond Comics distributor leaving companies like Marvel and DC high and dry it's now more important than ever that we support our local comic shop when we can if at all. I plan on spending a bit at my local shop as soon as its ok for stores to start opening again. I refuse to go digital on the medium. And it will pain me to see so many comic shops to be put out of business for good due to this virus. I just hope some of these business's can last long enough for us to do so.
    Ghost Attack likes this.
  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member


    We've sadly lost another great of the comic world. Argentine artist Juan Giménez has passed away (with COVID-19) at the age of 78. He was a key artist in the golden years of Métal Hurlant/Heavy Metal. He also worked on the film adaptation, designing the "Harry Canyon" segment. He was similarly included in the equally good L'Eternauta. Other individual works included Time Paradox, The City, and Le Quatrième Pouvoir. More recently he collaborated with Jodorowsky on the popular Metabarons saga. Sad to see someone of this calibre gone.

    RIP Juan Antonio Giménez López
    [November 16, 1943 – April 2, 2020]
  19. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Since @toothaction has been buggin' me some time for a comics catchup, here are a few recent pickups of mine (from miscellaneous charity shops, library, etc.), centred around the theme of auto/biography. Now that we are all shut in, it's a good time to catch up on some reading.

    [click through for full series, sorry I don't know how to post 'em separately from IG]
  20. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    ^ Excellent report, pH! Keep it up. I've been quite lax myself about posting hauls and/or book reports in this excellent thread.

    A quick bit of comics-adjacent shilling to do today, though - 'Member when I was going on about Our Man Zack's pretty new hardcover collection? It's come to my attention that he's embraced a considerably squishier format as well:

    If'n you're a Secret Voice fan, or just like handmade squishy things, there're a few days yet to plunk down for a set.

    Me, I'm standing down... A decision that I am certain to regret!
    ^ Some pr0n from whence the squish was born.

    PS - Zack hasn't offered me any encouragement (or kick-backs!) to ramble about his efforts here, but, I mean, he really should. :twisted:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
  21. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    That looks like a great set. Very well executed, and a lot of fun. This bodes well (being set 1) for more on the way I hope, and maybe even some larger figures, which is what would be really great. I haven't yet been able to find the SV issues locally, but hope to. (man it sucks not having easy access to these things!) The book looks like everything that I love, all merged into one. Massive thumbs up on both fronts, Zack. :thumbsup: Keep up the amazing output.
    toothaction and Ghost Attack like this.
  22. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    Thanks, y'all! Since David already did some shilling, I will say that if you wanna read my book, there are two easy ways to do it: physical copies here (a very nice & hefty HC), or high-res digital copies here. I have a Corona-Quarantine special going on the digital copies, as well: The book is more than half off, $7 with the code BECHILL. (you can also read it for free in long, rambling webcomics editions here, though I will say the book is the superior edition, and not just because I get money from it!)

    I definitely want to make another keshi set with more SV characters! I also definitely (constantly) daydream about 4" (or more) sofubi versions. Hopefully after all this crisis shit is over, I can make some inroads on that front.

    Also! in the spirit of this thread, I have been digging around in my stacks and posting pics of comics here and it's been very relaxing.
  23. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member


    Hey! Simon Hanselmann is doing a multi-panel daily strip over on IG!

    33 days deep, said the man what was late to the party.
    nico000, ultrakaiju and Ghost Attack like this.
  24. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    That comic is helping me cope with reality. At least my life isn't as bad as Meg & Mogg's!
    toothaction likes this.
  25. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Wholly Holy Hell! The new Woodring doc is streaming for free! CANCEL ALL YR FANCY PLANS!!!
    nico000 likes this.

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