All Hail Gobo King

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by gatiio, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @drybones69 Thank you, Kevin! I’m really glad I can visually capture what physically makes Paul’s work so great! :D
  2. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    This this this. Well said. I am a fan of Garuda in folklore. It's basically a 3 eyed God that was a badass. If u saw it, you were dead next. It's third eye would open and destroy everything in it's area. This figure expresses it so well. It actually scares me a little which is a good thing. Paul continues to be a true master, and I couldn't be happier. I got a Gyocho for less than cost from someone who spent too much at Dcon and didn't really care. Well I care. And it's in loving hands now. I just hope that 3rd eye doesn't open one day....
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  3. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    "I got a gyocho for less than cost (so now let me try to sell my boss on ebay for 2x retail)"
    I agree, if I were you I'd watch out for that 3rd eye...
  4. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    So someone hooked you up with a Gyochō for under retail. That must justify the double retail price of your boss on eBay. Gotta love Toy Karma
  5. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

  6. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Actually I have two green bosses not that I have to explain to you. I kept the OG, and the 2.0 is on the bay for what I paid. I didn't offer it here because....well this shit. Glad to know you're still a living breathing piece of s**t with nothing better to do eckotyper. Nice to see you slithering around.
  7. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Ooohhh! Burn! Skulldraaaiiiiin. As if this place wasn't a morgue already. You pop in and all you find are these f**king losers. What a cess pool.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  8. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    In b4 the lock 8)
    HardDragon, coma21 and spatula007 like this.
  9. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

  10. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    What are you 12? I'll sell my toys however the f**k I want, the real question is what are you gonna do about it then? That's what I thought. Nothing. Cry
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  11. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Dont lie... You guys are actually docking right now aren't you?
  12. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    what happened, did someone not share their bowl of pho with you?
    smurph likes this.
  13. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Last thing I'm gonna this never happens again. I do not have to explain how or why I sell a toy to you. I don't come here advertising my eBay sales. So if you drege it up and bring it here that's on you. If you're calling me a flipper, I'm not. I'd love to sell here but get attacked for even speaking. So, yes I sell toys on eBay. It's never for much more than I paid in the end, (with fees I usually lose $) and I don't buy toys with the intention to flip. I'm also not going to settle for less than going rate to someone who is not my friend. I'm not a bad person, I have never done a bad deal, or stolen money or even shipped late. So what is it? Are we done here? If what I am is punishable by ban then do it. If not....then shut up. Once and for all. Deal? I'll wait.....
  14. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Jesus Christ man, chill out. @eckotyper has done a lot for this community. Hell, he made the Sam hats on the DCON run IIRC. All I remember about you is perpetually whining about not getting drops. I'm trying not to shame you here, but I have a lurking suspicion if we put it up to a vote on who gets the boot you wouldn't be on the winning side of that equation.

    As a general statement, probably not a good idea to humble brag about the deal you got on a toy when listing toys for way above retail regardless of what you paid. Especially when the artist actively contributing in this very thread.
    Sir Trog and Schmalexander6 like this.
  15. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Then make the vote! I don't want to be a part of a community that shames me at every turn. Go ahead. I'm out here living my best life, and it's a glorius one. I stopped in to talk actual toys and got attacked....again. I dont have time for the negativity. Someone told me that self care is also removing yourself from people that have no interest in seeing your point of view. I'm not threatened by a ban. I'm a 42 year old adult. If you guys don't want me around then your heels. Ban me. There's no place like home. If I am motherfu**er. Deal with it.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  16. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

  17. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    Also this.
    bryce_r, animator and kid_miracleman like this.
  18. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    I contacted Paul by the way, and he didn't care at all. And no I won't "chill out", you want to start a bathroom fight let's throw hands. Who starts a fight and then says chill out? Fucking F**k you, you passive aggressive fuck.
  19. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Guess he won't be winning any more lottos anytime soon :lol:
  20. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Like I said, Paul Kaiju himself didn't care at all. So why do you? Do you want my autograph? Because all this stalking is making me blush.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  21. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Then act like it.
    bryce_r, smurph and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  22. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member


    I don't want to ban anyone, actually, but I would like some peace and quiet for a couple of days. Take it to IG, folks! :)
  23. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  24. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    BIGDZ68 likes this.
  25. smurph

    smurph Comment King

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