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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. whoispacman369

    whoispacman369 Fresh Meat

    Yeah, that was a mixture of deadpan sarcasm and envy over too much instagram cruising. It was definitely not aimed at any one on this board. and thanks for the harsh words, everyone needs an ego check. I actually just started trying my hand at lottos, they honestly seem like the greatest equalizer. so an FU to flippers, who make what should be a semi affordable addition to ones collection into a valid reason to quit the hobby. And another FU to artists who price their toys or release them in such a manner they become unobtainable to an average collector.
  2. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Tornados. There's nothing you can do but take cover and hope it happens to swerve to the side of you.

    But we're safe and I hope every other board member in their path over the onslaught this month is too. I haven't looked into the actual number that came thru our area, but it was at least 5.

    @Michael Beverage , are you okay?
    hellointerloper likes this.
  3. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Yeah I don't get it either. Lotteries seem like the easiest and most stress free way to get a chance at toys in high demand. Shop drops can be tough because sometimes it's simply your own fault when you miss out which can be a bummer. Forgetting about the drop or being stuck doing something else or just not clicking in a timely fashion. Lottos are simple and require very little effort on the part of the customer. I have a friend who gets so wound up by lottos and drops that she literally clears shelf space and sets up other toys around that space to compliment her new toy that she hasn't even purchased yet. Then when she misses out it's a whole huge thing and the sky is falling and she wants to give up collecting forever. It is sad and hilarious all at once.

    I will admit I am a little annoyed by the new trend of making people repost an advert for a lotto on instagram as the way to enter the lotto itself. It makes no sense. You want to "win" a toy so you have to advertise it to everyone else and lower your chance to win just to have a chance to win at all. Am I the only one that thinks it's ridiculous? Plus that means you have to use IG to even enter and it has to be a public page. So odd. I think giveaways and contests are cool because people are trying to actually WIN something. Not "win" the ability to buy a toy.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Instagram cruising can definitely fire up some bitterness. At this point I just have to roll my eyes at the people who have to endlessly show off how much "toy swag" they have, because today's hype toy is tomorrow's BST fodder. That's not to say that showing off a new piece is wrong in any way... I love seeing people's new acquisitions! But there are a few people on IG who seem to just want attention, and it's difficult to tell if they love toys, or just love having what everyone else wants.
    (On another note, I once saw a person post sofubi and Rolexes together on IG. Totally a cringeworthy moment right there.)

    Definitely hope that everyone is okay after this latest bout of tornados and storms. I read there were 29 tornadoes, and the death toll is the highest for January tornadoes since 1969... absolutely insane. Can't help but wonder if global warming has something to do with it. It's supposed to be the dead of winter here in CT, and it's been above freezing at night. I don't ever remember it being this warm.
  5. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Just fine, thanks bud! Just heavy rain and wind in my area. The worst that happened at Casa de Beverage was internet outage.
  6. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    In reality...
    The ones that NEVER enter are the ones that I FART A LOT the most.:lol:
  7. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Conversely, often times its people that "used" to enter, but stopped, because they never caught a win. A run of 20 to 40 toys versus hundreds, date I say thousands of entrants. Do the math!!!
    MoonspellxRites likes this.
  8. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Fuck American healthcare.
    I hate to bring up "politics" but I am feeling absolutely helpless tonight. I recently switched my health insurance, and for some reason my new insurance has decided that migraines aren't that serious. (Let's completely ignore the fact that the type of migraines I have been diagnosed with causes white matter damage, which I was very lucky to not have developed any of yet)

    I used to be covered for 9 migraine Zolmitriptan pills a month at ~$6/pill, or 9 Rizatriptan pills (less effective) a month at ~$3/pill. Expensive, but it's worth it to not get brain damage.

    My new insurance only wants to cover 3 Zolmitriptan pills a month now... they don't even want to cover the Rizatriptan. I was really disappointed because I definitely have more than three migraines a month, but if I split them in half, sometimes that's enough to stop one.
    Then I pick them up today and... $30 for 3 pills. Fucking great.

    How sick is it that in order to prevent a stabbing sensation in my head that can last anywhere from 2 to 24 hours, I need to literally swallow $10? What the fuck?!

    Also, I never heard back from my neurologist about my application for Botox. Surprisingly, Botox is one of those medications that was made for one thing (paralyzing your forehead so you look like an emotionless robot) but was also found to do something actually useful (stop migraines.) They later figured out the prime spot for injection, which is the top of the head, and viola, it's a migraine treatment now. Because my migraines are classified as "disabiling," my neurologist recommended it. I was wary because I actually like being able to wiggle my eyebrows... but she said it won't paralyze my face, so I said sure, send in the request.
    I'm assuming because I never heard from her, that my insurance rejected said request. Great.

    So a big fuck you to the money-making machine that is American healthcare. People get punished financially for being born with bad luck. I'll never understand the logic behind it, other than greed. I guess I'll have to call my insurance up and argue my case or something, because I can't pay for these pills without insurance, and the possible brain damage is scaring the crap out of me.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  9. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    How about a giant fuck you to USPS? Loses one package... shows another delivered even though we had no delivery. I showed the video feed (nest cam) to the friggin USPS employee showing nothing was delivered and all they could say was it was a new person and they couldn't get ahold of him after 3 calls. So they would call me once he came back to the office. No call. It's cool, I didn't want my Hevis anyways.
  10. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Ouch... I'm really sorry, your USPS guy sounds like an asshole. New guy or not, they shouldn't be scanning something as delivered when it isn't. Today I got a "Delivered" text and ran to the door, and the guy was literally on his way to place my box on my front door. I think I scared him. :oops:
    By the way, here's a funny (not really) story. My boyfriend's dad lives in one of those 55+ communities that are popping up all over Delaware. There were a series of break-ins and all the old folks were suspecting the people living in low-income housing a few streets down. Y'know, typical "them dark folks musta done it!" Someone had the sense to set up a covert camera system and guess who it was? THE USPS GUY! He would walk up to the houses with no cars in the driveway and see if the door was unlocked. Fuckin' wanker.
    Moral of the story? USPS workers are like those Mystery Jellybeans. Some are normal, and some leave a bad taste in your mouth.
  11. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Fuck Trump and all his cronies, especially this guy Pruitt (his EPA nom):


    I love how most of Trump's supporters think he'll make America great again by throwing the base dumb ass shit like walls and bans (that are absolutely ridiculous in themselves but ignite the base) to divert their simpleton racist attention away from real crimes- like inserting all his cronies with corporate interests to completely deregulate every fucking department, wreck the environment, and transfer large sums of wealth once again.
  12. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Hey that reminds me, when's the next Otus coming out? :lol:
    @hopelesstoys likes this.
  13. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    FUCK YOU FLICKR for just generally being ass lately. And double fuck you for your shitty phone app.
  14. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted


    Watch her get served by Elizabeth Warren in this clip. Definitely sounds like someone who will not have childrens' education as their priority..

  15. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    This isn't a presidency, it's a business venture. I'm disgusted and disappointed in all of it.
    If World War III breaks out because of a tweet, I want off this fucking planet.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  16. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Well if WW III breaks out I pretty much think we'll all be obliterated from the planet- if not instantly vaporized in a blast range of nukes, the radioactive fallout, freezing cold from the sun being blocked out, and absolute lack of any kind of food- will surely kill the rest of us.

    I'm kind of hoping for WW III but without nukes. The herd needs to be thinned, and hopefully those that remain give a shit about the planet and not fucking money (source of all greed and power). Can we just send Trump and all his ilk around the planet to another one? Go fuck shit up in another galaxy....
    IronPaw likes this.
  17. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Hopefully in the future, in a galaxy far, far away...


    Well, at least I know where I'm going if nuclear war breaks out. LOBSTA LAND.
  18. Fusta

    Fusta Toy Prince

    toothaction and Purple Bat like this.
  19. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    lol Fauxcahontas? Its hard to take anything that comes out of her lie hole seriously.
  20. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    you realize that Michelle Obama's college roommate got a 670 million dollar no bid contract to build the Obamacare website... surely they were the most qualified which is why no one else bid yet the website crashed the day it was launched. You remember the affordable healthcare act, the socialist experiment that bankrupted the US healthcare industry? And then the same company gets 900 million in contracts to build the EPA web portal, again based entirely on merit & performance and not Democratic party fundraising.

    That is a single example, you are delusional if you think Trump is doing anything worse, or that we could realistically sustain another 4+ years of Democrat corruption in office.
  21. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    @psilo110 I had never heard about that healthcare.gov website story, so I googled it, first result: factcheck.org
    *also I am not trying to say anything about Obama being great, Trump sucking, blah blah blah. I am just stating I had never heard about that story, so I went and searched it out.
    patrickvaz, bunnyboy and Purple Bat like this.
  22. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    I heard the CIA clandestinely runs that website charlie
  23. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    factcheck.org is in no way unbiased or non partisan and I assure you they are the only ones claiming other contracts were reviewed.

    the fact remains that (D) engage in the same crony capitalism that Trump is demonized for.
  24. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I'm not saying Obama or Democrats are saints. I hate them all. I grudgingly voted for Hillary and didn't enjoy it one bit, but it was just because I hated Trump more.
    What I'm saying is getting rid of regulations that make people safe at work, banning Muslim immigrants only from countries that don't funnel us money, getting rid of various pressing issues on the Whitehouse.gov website, putting people with white supremacist ties in the government and...
    You know what, I don't even have to explain all the things that Trump has done that are scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.
    I'm a woman and I'm (as of now) disabled and unemployed, without any assistance because I don't have enough fucking "work credits". I have a lot of things to be worried about with this presidency.
    Lixx and Purple Bat like this.
  25. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    You are being manipulated and of course you're scared, the lamestream media wants you to believe Trump is taking away your rights, and it sounds like they have you convinced. the propaganda arm of the democratic party is butthurt over losing a rigged election & they are trying to whip up panic & turmoil. They can't believe how poorly Correct The Record's thought control efforts went (read David Brock's memo if you need proof) so they are doubling down on dividing our country by any means necessary. This is the same David Brock, former boyfriend of Pizzagate restaurateur James Alefantis talking about how to delegitimize Trump's presidency through coordinated conventional & social media strikes.

    Where was the fear and outrage when Obama appointed Eric Holder, a member of the Black Panther Party, as Attorney General? Someone who took part in violently taking over a Columbia student building residing over government legal affairs... how do you hold any government office when you represent a group known for voter intimidation and murdering police officers? When you talk about media allegations of fake ties to white supremacist organizations, consider the actual facts and not the narrative of the globalist leftist agenda.

    Eric Holder had to step down from his position, but the fake news wants you to believe Obama had a scandal free administration. That is the tip of the iceberg, these are the same fake news outlets that conveniently leave out the details like these rapists being muslim refugees: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/24/europe/sweden-rape-facebook-live/ Trump wants a wall to protect you, Hillary would hang welcome banners & leave the back door open for them. If you want to be scared, think of why the left wants our country to be divided. Think about how easy it would be to take away your rights once our society crumbles by their design.
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