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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    I have an uncle who likes to play video poker. I never understood how that seemed fair or legit since you actually don't see the deck, but he loves it.
  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Sorry, I have to apologise, which seems out of place for the FU thread I know, but upon re-reading this I can see how it might be misconstrued as a rail against people who enjoy VLTs, for whatever reason - which was not my intent at all. IN fact, this is a MASSIVE FU directly at the gambling industry - and make no mistake, it is just that - for trying to make it seem like there is any 'chance' involved, and that they are actually propagating entertainment, and not just soul- and mind-sucking greed. Sorry, but I just have a personal beef with this, and am sorry that, despite decades after organised crime's involvement in it (which should tell you something) gambling continued to be such a massive industry off the backs of people who generally cannot afford it.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  3. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Since we are talking about gambling, a big FU to all of that. My brother ended up having to move back home
    with his wife and two kids in the early 2000's because of this. He was living in a duplex with his sister in law and
    his in laws in the main house. They were giving the rent money to them and it turns out they were blowing it all
    in casinos. Landlord shows up and tells my brother he has two days to move since he hasnt received a payment
    in 3 months. My brother hasnt spoken to them since then. Not only that but those in laws had borrowed money
    from my dad to pay the landlord before they were all evicted, turns out they blew that at the casinos as well.
    Fuck them royally.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    People always chasing the next "big score" but never realizing that it will never come... You can't win against a rigged system, and generally no amount of money comes without hard work. It's just as bad as putting all your money into the lottery. For every winner, there's a million losers. Don't bet on being that winner. :?
  5. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    People trying to to be cheap every which way. Why wasn't this new handpainted release
    part of the sale/discount? Because its brand new and handpainted.
    hellointerloper and Headhunter like this.
  6. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    OMG. That's one of the things i miss about living in CT the most... FRIENDLY'S!!! Those Sundays are fucking PROPER!
    hellointerloper likes this.
  7. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Fuck you T-Mobile for trying to replace my black 128GB iPhone 6 with a gold one. I pay 12 bucks for insurance/extended warranty every month and have been for god knows how long but it's been years..

    I paid a thousand dollars for a black phone, I want it fucking replaced with a black phone. If I wanted a gold phone, I would've paid a thousand dollars for a gold fucking phone. I have literally talked to 10 different people within the company today and everyone I've talked to wouldn't be ok with that resolution, SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO RESOLVE A CUSTOMER'S ISSUE LIKE THIS!? I asked for the CEO's personal email address and told them I'm not taking no for an answer and I was told that I'd get a call from their executive customer care team.. Let's see how that goes.. lol

    So question to all of you, would YOU be ok with this situation?
  8. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Oh yeah, and a huge FUCK YOU goes out to the spider mites that attacked my cannabis plants in the last 2 weeks they are in flower.. I fucking HATE you.

    BTW, 50/50 iso/water mixture sprayed on the leaves/buds will eliminate all eggs and mites without harming the trichromes..

  9. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    @noeleaser Our local Friendly's closed down, I'm so pissed! Thankfully the one we go to Sunday morning when we're in Delaware seems to be thriving, but damn... The diner that replaced the Friendly's where we live is so expensive that it's scary. Our breakfast bill was $45 after the tip, and that's for two meals and two drinks. Plus the place has been hit with health code violations on two inspections this year. The rich old people love it though. They must be making bank off of these retirees.

    Regarding the phone, I have a cover on mine all the time, so the color isn't a huge deal... Then again, my phone's older. I'd probably be pissed if my new phone needed replacing, and they could only give me gold. :? I really dislike gold phones, they're too flashy for me.

    As for the MJ plants... Ouch. I don't smoke, but I'm super protective over my cactus. I've had a dragonfruit cactus for 5 years now, and early this year it got attacked by root rot. I had to chop it up into little bits and replant the non-contaminated parts. It was like a stab to my soul. :( When you put so much time and care into a plant and something goes wrong, it hurts.

    Now for my fuck you..... Fuck having to keep a balance between protecting yourself, and pleasing others.
    I got invited to two parties since my alcohol-induced ER incident. I sent both hosts a message on Facebook saying I have to decline because I don't think it's a good idea for me to be around alcohol consumption for the time being, and that I'm very sorry.
    One person says "sure, don't worry, it's no problem." I thank them.
    Other person goes "Alrighty then." ...well what the hell do I say back to that? So I didn't.
    See, nobody but my nuclear family, my boyfriend, my grandfather's wife (she's 30 years younger and not related to us so we don't call her grandma, long story), and of course anyone who read my past FU post knows about the ER incident. Why? Because people can be judgemental asshats and I'm scared of letting it out in the open, and the rest of my family are literally worse than high school gossips.
    But it's making me feel terrible, because I'm scared my friends are either thinking that
    A) I'm going to become a self-righteous "I don't hang out with people who drink" person,
    B) I'm making up some excuse not to go to their party.
    I just don't know what to do.
  10. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    First, if your friends are thinking ill of you for not attending a party they probably should not be your friends.

    Secondly, if you are worried about being judged for something then just don't bring it up. Instead of saying you don't want to be around alcohol consumption just say you aren't up for a party. It's no one's business but your own why you do or do not want to do something so instead of giving them partial information about avoiding alcohol just give them none.

    I turn down invitations for all kinds of stuff pretty often and no one holds it against me nor should they. I don't really like parties so if someone invites me to a few things and I don't go to any of them I'll invite that person to lunch or a movie or something so they don't feel avoided and we can hang out. That way I can still avoid random piles of drunken people I don't know. I really like my friends but that doesn't mean I need to like their friends.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  11. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Almost forgot, fuck this election. Fuck the endlessly rude republican nominee for interrupting the democratic nominee 51 times in one single debate. Fuck that garbage moderator for not enforcing any rules whatsoever and letting it boil down to whoever is the loudest and the meanest gets to talk as much as they want which obviously favors the loud mean one. I am not a fan of either option at all but at least one of them is an actual human person.
    IronPaw and patrickvaz like this.
  12. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Agreed! I don't drink like most of my friends and they always invite me out. I am always declining so the invitations just started becoming lighter and lighter. They are great friends so they understand I just don't get down like that. Every now and then yeah, I'll drink my little heart out, but it's not my go to thing to do every week :) Do what you want and if those friends cannot accept that, find new friends :) there are plenty of them out there willing to have some sober fun ^____^
    hellointerloper likes this.
  13. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    ^As you get older this becomes less of a problem I've found...I love booze but I only like a few at a time, I don't have time to drink to excess anymore and all the collateral damage that entails. You get older, people only have a few drinks at parties because of kids or other responsibilities, and you won't feel like the odd person out for not drinking. Because everyone around you is more or less sober, going home at 10 oclock, and not acting like they're at a frat party.
    foto junkaay and hellointerloper like this.
  14. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Most of my gfs are either pregnant or breastfeeding now so that makes it easier these days... and the ones that aren't, well I don't hang out with them too often because they don't know what moderation means haha
  15. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    Hangovers so ruin the next day. There's too much to do.
  16. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Once a friend becomes married or pregnant, I usually lose them as a friend because they either
    A) Go all semi-militant mommy / pro-family (you know the type, the ones that post "you don't know what exhausted means until you have children! C sections ARE births! Don't tell me how to parent my kid! Moms with tattoos ROCK!")
    B) Move somewhere more "family-oriented"
    C) Have better things to do than spend time with an unemployed starving artist/toy collector

    Aaaand that's why most of my friends are guys right now :?
    Headhunter likes this.
  17. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    "I was also excited by the number on napkins White Castle included wth my order. Ten napkins total, more than enough for the size of my order. I appreciate the generous amount of napkins."


    Embrace the apocalypse.
  18. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    ^HA^ ... you just cant get too many napkins with your greaze. But damn,that whole 'meal' looked like a piece of shit in a shit bun
  19. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    I think that "review" might be kinda ironic. At least I very much hope so.
  20. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    I really can't tell but holy shit this guys blog is surreal...

    "I do not visit the Post Office often. I can only think of a handful of times I have ever visited the Post Office in my entire life. I don’t do a lot of fancy mail transactions. If I do have something to mail I just put it in a mailbox. I remember going to the Post Office when I was young to fill out change of address cards. I’ve also visited the Post Office to pick up certified mail. That’s it. I’m not a Post Office pro."

  21. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    That's unfortunate Maddie, most of my friends that are now parents aren't really any different towards me and have never pulled the "you're not a parent" or "you don't know what I have been through" card on me so I guess I am pretty blessed to have those types of friends. I am included in birthdays and family get togethers and known as Auntie Kay, which I enjoy very much. You need to find you a good set of people that will never hold things over your head or make you feel any less than them! And if they are all guys, then there you have it :)
    hellointerloper likes this.
  22. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Sad but so, this fellow appears to be as earnest as they come...

    "I have fond memories of Crystal Pepsi from my youth. I remember it tasting like a clear Pepsi."

    Yeah, reading through it makes me feel like I'm hearing a dog whistle.

    Apparently he takes requests --- I think we should seriously consider submitting some suggestions.
    hellointerloper and boon velvet like this.
  23. infiniteneeya

    infiniteneeya Fresh Meat

    he's on snapchat as sir_snozzberry so I think that about sums it up hah

    it makes me think of a wordpress version of Stackswell and Co
  24. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Haha, oh it's a must. I would be entertained by reading what he thinks of soft vinyl toys, for one. I can already foresee the, "Why do they call it soft vinyl? It feels hard to me." :lol:
    hellointerloper likes this.
  25. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty


    My pup Bruiser has been going to the vet and undergoing all these tests to try to figure out why the hell he is peeing blood.
    A quick synopsis of the past few months....

    First the emergency vet thought it was a UTI and possibly bladder crystals.
    It was not a UTI. He was put on a special urinary diet to reduce crystal buildup... He still peed blood.
    Our regular vet did a full blood panel and urinalysis and figured out that he was peeing out blood and bilirubin, but his organ function was fine. BUT he had a heart murmur, which was new.
    We were told to try and get him to drink more for a week to possibly flush any crystals/stones out.
    He was still peeing out really dark pee.
    We brought in a urine sample and they put it in a centrifuge. There was way too much blood.
    We made the decision together to schedule him for an ultrasound, because the vet started to suspect a bleeding kidney cyst.

    So, he went to the vet today for an ultrasound and another blood test.
    First thing they did was call me and tell me that the murmur has gotten worse. They recommended an X-Ray of his heart to see if it's enlarged. We said sure.
    They confirmed a kidney cyst is causing the bleeding, but he also has blood clots in his bladder. The X-Ray was normal. He is slightly anemic.
    Then came the fucking kicker. The murmur? How it popped up out of nowhere and was getting worse? IT'S BECAUSE HE'S NOW HEARTWORM POSITIVE.

    The vet is sending a blood sample to a lab to be 100% sure through microscopy, but two tests already showed up as positive. If that final test comes back positive, we are going through with contacting the maker or distributor and demanding them to pay for his heartworm treatment, because this is fucking ridiculous.
    He's already bleeding out through his piss, he does not need fucking worms burrowing through his tiny chihuahua heart.
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