Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread

    I hear you man. I absolutely loathe forced obsolescence, especially given the loss of functionality in new devices, price point increases, not to mention (and most importantly) the toll the planet pays just mining rare earth minerals needed to create these devices. I dont get why a computer cant last 15 years at least.
  2. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    a very hearty F-U to today's work day. Delivering 45 lb water jugs in close to 100 degree weather. Completed ~40 deliveries and by the time I was told to end my day I still had 25 more deliveries that were supposed to get done. I had also called in and asked for assistance well in advance and never received any. Excuse me while I go bathe in cold salty tears.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  3. vapdee

    vapdee Fresh Meat

    Apr 9, 2013
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    A big FU to FB, but being sued and the greatest tool of the legal system being 'discovery' will allow for a very interesting conversation to be had with a few of my FB Friends ;)
  4. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    FU to this humidity. The backs of my knees are actually sweaty.
  5. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    F-U-MANIA UP IN HERE. Delivered 20 5-gallon bottles to a third floor, 20 more to the second and an extra 8 to the first. I looked like friggin swamp thing today. Good god.
  6. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Why are my fucks always women related? Fuck you to my ex who sexted me non stop all week (I had been avoiding her like the plague) drives two hours to see me in my oceanside fortress of solitude, starts making out with me again and then cries saying she cant go through it. Then as a bonus fuck you tells me she feels too much for me and if I was some random guy it would be easier. Oh I'm sorry you never felt this strongly for someone? Why are you married to someone else and here then? I call bs.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  7. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck life.

    Things have been going really badly for my boyfriend and I. He had to have a sleep study done because he was snoring and getting poor quality sleep, and he found out the base of his tongue takes up too much room in his throat, he has a double deviated septum in his nose, and his oxygen levels were dropping to 91% during the night... which is pretty much the quality of breathing a smoker has, except he's not and meets the advanced level of CT police standard of fitness. Thankfully the doctor wasn't a fucking asshole and recommended the cheapest possible solution first, a night guard that locks your bottom jaw forward slightly to open up your airway. It's helped a lot, but then the bills came in and we're down $1,200.
    Then last week we took our dog to the vet for a checkup. He's still coming up heartworm positive. Seeing that he came from Tennessee, contracted it before we adopted him, and there is a treatment-resistant strain of heartworm present in the Tennessee area, he might need more aggressive treatment. Of course, he's a fucking 7lb chihuahua so they would have to actually absolutely confirm his heart is infested (the test that showed he is positive is very rudimentary and only detects the presence of a heartworm uterus, alive or dead) before going forward with a potentially harmful cure. How much will that cost? Who the fuck knows. We'll hear back from the vet this week on what their talks with the cardiologist came up with as the next step going forward. He's only about 4 years old, he has the chance of a long healthy life. This isn't a matter of "maybe it's best if we put him down." No fucking way.
    To make everything worse, today my boyfriend broke it to me that he has another medical issue that he needs to get checked. He didn't tell me he was seeing a doctor because he thought I'd worry all day. It's not really my place to talk about this particular issue in detail, but he needs an ultrasound and it has the potential to be serious enough to be life-threatening or life-altering.

    We've been discussing what our future holds because prior to all of this, we were both saving money to move out of my parent's place. This all has the potential to put us behind by months... in the worst case scenario, years.
    The issue of my toy collection has come up, along with other possessions that we have that aren't "essentials." I've agreed to sell off some pieces if Bruiser's vet bills end up being bad, but Jon doesn't really understand the whole "keep it in the community" thing. I understand that to someone who isn't into sofubi, the whole "I'd rather sell it to someone who cares for retail than on eBay to the highest bidder" seems a bit odd, but I think he saw it as "I care more about toy community rules than I do salvaging our future together."

    It's really been weighing on me. Maybe it's just a temporary feeling, but I'm looking at my toys right now and I feel disgusted. I love these toys but goddammit, I never thought they would cause any issue in my relationship. Fuck this.
  8. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Real life shit > Toy shit!
    bunnyboy and TattooDougHardy like this.
  9. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Yeah seriously. Don't let toys get in the way of what matters most in your life! Plastic objects are forever, but memories are fading.
  10. topher

    topher Addicted

    Apr 8, 2013
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    FU to real life shit taking my skull pirate collection long ago... Andy is 100% correct real life shit is of course > toys but I really do miss looking at em :(

    F working to live and F living to work WTF!
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I think my main concern about selling them is being considered a "dirty flipper" and having people here no longer willing to interact with me, or when things are financially stable again in the not-so-certain future, refuse to sell to me. :? I'm all about the toy community, but god knows how badly this shit is going to hit the fan for us.
    I guess we're just going to have to wait and see how the vet bills and my Jon's diagnosis goes. As much as I'd love to think Jon's dad would help out if he had a major health crisis, I don't know if he has the money. Goddamn American healthcare prices...
  12. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Jun 26, 2013
    San Francisco, Ca. USA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Sell them on ebay if they can get premium dollar bcause med bills are no fucking joke. If anyone complains they can either shove it up their ass or contribute to your bills in my opinion. It's great that we can all give each other good deals here and that's an amazing part of this community that I love but sometimes bills have to take precedence.
    Patrickg2k, Lixx and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  13. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    Jun 13, 2013
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Sell them on ebay. what matters more? your dog!
  14. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Feb 24, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck being nice to people that do not return the kindness unless it benefits them. FUCK YOU.
  15. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Feb 23, 2012
    Denver, CO
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Dear universe, fuck you for taking the life of one of the most talented rappers ever, way too soon.. Rest in peace, Prodigy...
  16. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    Jul 20, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck fuck fuck!

    10 days of fever ends with my first shingles attack. Day after I get medication with bad side effects my insurance gets canceled. Go out to my car to leave my girlfriends and go home to take a class so I can try and make living wages and get ready for a week of double shifts and find my car has been broken into. The steering column is jacked and the car disabled. Find out road side assistance ended. And my phone is suddenly dropping every single call. Can't complete calls with auto insurance. Not sure if I can get car to the dealers on time before they close. --- Nope. Tow truck took 2 hours. Not the 20 minutes promised. Canceled and going with AAA. Argh!!!

    Some seriously bad energy is floating around me. What's next? How do I get back to my good luck?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  17. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Aug 15, 2009
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Quoted for the inherent irony!
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Oh jeez, that sounds like a lot to deal with. I hope things turn around for you soon. My boyfriend is struggling to find a job that pays a living wage too... the whole "we need experienced workers for this entry level job" bullshit is getting tiring. I mean, we are both super thankful that he has a job at all, I know a lot of people struggling with unemployment right now. Still it sucks when we have only one income, and it's not even enough to live by. So, it's just an endless sea of job applications for him, and an endless string of doctor visits for me so maybe someday I'll be well enough to even have a job. :? Also is it too late to get the shingles vaccine once it manifests itself? I heard it can get really painful. I hope it subsides.

    Literal description of my sister right there. It took me forever to realize it, but she only contacts me if she needs something from me. She never texts to just say hello, calls to just talk about something... it's always "hey can you do me a favor?" or "do you remember where I left this?" or some bullshit. And when my birthday or Christmas rolls around, she either forgets to get me something, or buys a last minute gift card... Meanwhile I buy her little things all year round because when I'm out buying food or something I'll always see some kind of candy or hand lotion or something random that makes me think "oh! My sister will love this." And at the end of the day, despite all I do, she still trashtalks me behind my back because everything is a competition to her, and somehow my health issues are something for her to be jealous about.
    Sometimes it takes a while to realize any kind of friendship is one-sided and not worth your time. After the latest incident with her, I cut her off completely. We haven't spoken since April.
  19. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Apr 7, 2007
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck my previous employer. Fuck job hunting. Fuck needing a job to live in our society. Fuck all of this nonsense.

    This year has been pretty rocky as far as my employment goes. It feels odd for me because I treasure stability and a steady flow of income. And let's face it, putting all of your money into past due bills and not buying toys for several months on end really sucks.

    I quit a job that I had been at for nearly a decade in February -- I was quite literally overworked and underpaid, at all times had more of a workload than one person should be made to handle, and was just fed up with everything about it. Just up and quitting in the middle of the week was a major relief and one of the best decisions of my life thus far. Fast forward to April, where I landed a new job that I loved most aspects of. It was far and the work was boring but the atmosphere and most of my coworkers were great. I was incredibly happy to be there and to be working towards bettering my life step by step ... Until I got fired without warning. It was a Monday morning just a couple of weeks back. I got in, got settled, popped in my earbuds and got to working while jamming out. Unbeknownst to me, a phone call came in to the company line, I missed it, and someone else took the call and assisted the customer. My direct manager summoned me into the general manager's office, and I got fired then and there. It was a major surprise and the fact that I was never in any way given a proper warning kind of proves my hunch that those two had it out for me and were looking for any excuse to get rid of me. I was actually told while being fired that the company used to have a policy about not wearing headphones at all. This was news to me, and is a good example of how the communication at that place worked -- It was nonexistent.

    I will say that I am thankful that I had that job for a couple of months, and that my leaving was due to being fired and not quitting because a) the income really helped my girl and I out when we needed it, and b) I can, and have, filed for unemployment benefits now. The government, being as they are, are dragging their feet getting that to me, but that's to be expected.

    I feel like I am kind of at a crossroads in my life, and I'm not really sure what to do. I'll keep applying for design jobs but I also kind of just want to say fuck it, it's time for a career / life change. What that actually means for me and my future, I have no clue. Time will tell, eh!

    tl;dr I got fired while listening to Famous Dex and now I don't know what to do with my life.
    Grindingmachete likes this.
  20. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Here, here. If I figure this shit out, or why it is so ass-backwards to be able to earn a living when you are willing to work, I will consider myself lucky and grateful.

    Sorry you lost your recent job, Jason. Hopefully it was for the best, especially if the management environment was not very supportive, or in fact, the opposite. I am tired of struggling with it all, and just to say, I know how you feel. Hope you and your GF can get back on your feet soon.
    xSuicide Squadx and bansheebot like this.
  21. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Apr 7, 2007
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @ultrakaiju Thanks a lot, Steve -- Being fired isn't fun in any sense but I definitely see it as a blessing in disguise.
    wingnut0 likes this.
  22. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Wow, that was one hell of a string of bad luck. I hope things turn around for you.

    If you need to sell your toys (which sucks) you should be able to do that without whiny toy-nerds getting in your face.
    At the very least you should get what you originally paid for 'em. Like @TattooDougHardy says, sometimes bills have to take precedence.

    Like you say, fuck job hunting and fuck needing a job to live in our society. Sorry to hear of your woes.

    The industry i work in (graphic design) has been shrinking dramatically for the last 10 years or so and my boss, who took over the company i work for, hasn't given any of us a pay rise in years and years (as well as a whole list of shit he's made us go through). This morning one of my co-workers let me know he was leaving, and i'm fucking gutted. It means i will be expected to do a ton more work for no extra pay, and i'm also losing a work-mate i consider a friend - its going to be a much duller and depressing place without him around. Basically our boss is a horrible person who is lucky he has any staff left. I do not exaggerate. He introduced himself to me when we first met by saying . . . "Hello, my name is Seamus and people think i'm a cunt."

    I am so tired of being over-worked and underpaid. in my 20's and 30's i could walk from job to job no problem at all, but now the job market sucks so much i'm genuinely starting to get depressed about it. I fantasize about walking out and changing careers completely, but i just dont know what to do. All i've ever done is engraving and graphic design. Its all i know.

    Fuck ME for lacking confidence and not being able to sort my life out . . .
    wingnut0 and bansheebot like this.
  23. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Apr 7, 2007
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @The Moog
    Thanks, man. I can 1000% empathize with you. I'm a graphic designer as well. At that job I was at for almost a decade, I was exactly where you are about to be -- Picking up the extra slack after a coworker leaves. In my case, I had to do that after one was fired, and again after another came on then quit. I was the entirety of the design department for years. As an added bonus of empathy -- My last raise at that place was several years back.

    Changing careers is definitely on my agenda. I consider doing freelancing but at the same time despise design clients after dealing with them for so long. So, it's kind of a tough spot to be in and there are limited options for guys like us.
    The Moog likes this.
  24. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Seems to be the case with quite a few good folks on here, rough times all around. The SB Design Company maybe? I am willing to take on the unfortunate role of baby coddler client liaison, if necessary. :razz:
  25. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Mar 20, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Jayzus Christakos... I don't think I've ventured into this thread since its inception <Inception sound plays>... it's sad times for 'brainers in here. Just checking out the last 2 or 3 pages, YIKES. I'm so sorry, friends. Manny, glad you are alive! Fucking hair-raising car-flippage!

    I'll add to the chorus... 2017 has been a kick in the ass, thus far. After an emergency call from my sis in Philly apprising me of situ, I flew down to FL in Feb to watch my dad have his foot cut off... it was dying on his body, absolutely no circulation left. 50+ years of 2 - 3 packs/day. The other foot has about 30% of the circulation it should, and may yet have to come off, as well. Don't smoke cigs, people. And listen to your kids when they hound you to quit for 30+ years.

    New dentist I started to see in March was treating a cavity, and gave me a pre-drilling pain injection deep into my gums/jaw... in his own words, the needle "shish kebab'd" the mandibular nerve. I'm left with a buzzing numbness that runs all along the right bottom side of jaw into right side lower lip. He assures me it will go away... within 6 months. Or not.

    Speaking of industries getting smaller, Joe and Jason, when I read your sentiments about the design industry, I can relate: for years, I counted on the voiceover work I did for a local media production studio as a great, easy supplementary source of income (I work a boring-as-hell day job with co-workers I don't connect with at all). All but dried up, as so many companies are now (mostly shittily) recording their radio/industrial film/TV spot narration in-house. Even the (Emmy-winning) studio- which for years was the place in VT for such work- has had to downsize in a major way... the owner/boss is really the only one working there, now. (I gotta, at long last, get on the ball with freelancing VO from home...working on it...)

    But the deepest rub right now... in 2013 we moved into a new place on our beloved street. (Our neighborhood has good streets (fulla families and cool oldsters and typical proggy Vermonters) and bad streets (fulla all-night arguing and heroin overdoses), and they alternate, sometimes astonishingly so, from one block to the next.) It's a rental... a full 3-BR house, built in 1915, gutted to the studs and renovated in 2001 by our contractor landlord (who has been nothing but a great, sweet, helpful, honorable guy). At the same time we moved in, my wife began her 4-year Masters degree program, and has worked very little since. We were on just my income and floating our household and two people (her and my 20-yo son) in college. It's been beyond tight.

    We LOVE, love, love this house. It's a gem. Very well-insulated, well laid-out, great sightlines, wide wrap-around enclosed 3-season porch, great little garage/storage building. It is also the first real house our 5-yo daughter has known as home (moved in when she was a little over 1yo).

    Since 2014, it has been my plan to try to buy this house, once my wife was out of school, had gotten a job, and we had gotten back on solid ground, financially. I figured in 2018, we would be in a good place to make an attempt. About a year ago, in a casual convo on the subject, I mentioned this idea to my landlord, being very clear that we would not be in a position to do it until spring 2018 or so. At that time, he gently balked, saying he probably would not like to lose the house as a rental, but would probably have other houses of his he could show us. I filed it away, just figuring I'd work on his reluctance when the time came... I felt sure he could be persuaded.

    May 2nd, he calls me as I was walking home from work... very apologetically tells me that the house needs to be sold to fund a big development project he's working on. He knows the timing is shit for us, and I affirm that. He gives us a great price (for this town and its currently utterly ridiculous, through-the-roof real estate market), first right of refusal and a month to figure out if we can do it before he lists it.

    I was fucking gutpunched. Went into panicked mortgage-fact-finding mode. Tried everything to make it work. Long story short, could not make it work. With wife not yet graduated and jobless, just my income, no extended family help available, and much debt... right now we're sunk. Let landlord know, and he listed it.

    Wife and daughter came home to metal realty sign on greenbelt a couple weeks back. Daughter, in tears, screaming, ran at it, kicking and punching it. She said later she thought if it was knocked down the house might not be for sale any more. (I wish that was a rule.) Showings have been going on... we have tried to coordinate for when we're not home... but last night, daughter and I got home just as realtor was guiding a young couple in. I needed to do several things, including make dinner, so we just gave them space to do the thing... but FUCK, yuppie assholes from hell, these were. Obvious out-of-staters, no realization of what a gem the house is for our area. Comments from the realtor about how great it is- citing the insulation, the amount of sunlight it gets, and the refinished, actually level floors (a marked uncommonality in our town's predominantly 100+ year old homes)- right over their heads. Their comments, the talk between them- insufferable, overprivileged brats. And then I heard the guy say, "Well, one thing I can see I would do is just get rid of the porch, so we could expand out that way." To even propose getting rid of such an awesome porch- in VT especially- is facepunch-worthy. These people have obviously never wintered here. I had all I could do.

    That's the cookie/biscuit crumblin', I guess... we'll live. Some day not that far off, we'll find a house to buy, hopefully still in our beloved hood. Wife has now graduated, and just last week found a F/T job. She also found us a great new place to rent, just four houses down on the same street... a big relief, in spite of the bitter sadness of having to leave the current place.

    So there's my novella of current gripe-ables, to add to this FUCK YOU thread of fucking fuck fuckery. Thanks for reading. Peace and love to y'all fellow freaks, always.

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
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