(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    To sum it up, a big fuck you to cats. If you would have just decided you could handle adult responsibilities and get a dog, you would realize that cats suck.
    spatula007 likes this.
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    A big fuck you to independent toy producers that use their elevated platform as minor celebrities to push their speciously reasoned pet agendas. Keep your claws away from the paws!

    patrickvaz, IronPaw and smurph like this.
  3. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    Joe, don't make me quote the great, Sally Field's character from the classic Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
    spatula007 and boon velvet like this.
  4. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Not even taking that bait. You're entitled to your opinion Joe... no matter how wrong it may be ;)
    IronPaw likes this.
  5. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I'll have you know as a minor celbrity, I was hanging out with Pauly Shore the other day, and he wholeheartedly endorsed my feral cat agenda.
    boon velvet likes this.
  6. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    No shit? Do you guys still do the thing where you give each other the double-guns and shout Twiiiiiiiiins! every time you meet up? I just love those TMZ clips.
  7. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    That is nothing. Those people with the llama agenda, they are the ones you have got to watch out for.
    rattanicus likes this.
  8. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    "I'll have what she's having"?
    I won't claim that it doesn't have it's benefits :)
  9. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    A big Fuck you to the great city of Manchester, NH. Woke up this morning, sat on the couch to drink some coffee and I was greeted with an absolute psycho woman across the street yelling at the top of her lungs and then if I'm not mistaken, she called my downstairs neighbor a "Nazi B.i.t.c.h".....

    I love crackheads.

    Update: She just got put in cuffs. Sweet justice.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  10. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    I'm mirroring Smurph's 'FU' from over a month ago to say FUCK YOU, INSTAGRAM for stacking another useless 'feature' that clutters up the once simple, elegant interface. Facebook, I knew you couldn't keep your shitty, shitty paws off of IG when you purchased it and you've basically made the best social media platform for art and turned it into a chaotic mess. You put a stake through IG's heart when you insisted on fucking over the timeline and randomly inserting your shit garbage for babies algorithm to shove what some third rate server thinks would be 'interesting' to me (therefore making me miss actual happenings and photos of people I'm interested in for sometimes weeks at a time) but shoehorning some absolutely horrible Snapchat clone into the app is like shitting on it's corpse. The end times were shown when you insisted in putting video into IG in the first place, where it never belonged, I didn't think that it would turn as bad as this though. I'd like to remind the people at FB that LESS IS MORE, but they will never, ever understand that because FB has the comprehension and taste of a fucking tapeworm who smokes copious amounts of meth. Die in a fucking fire, Facebook, and give us IG back.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  11. wingnut0

    wingnut0 Post Pimp

    Manchester is a funny little city. I had a great time when I lived there, but was also surpised how quickly you could go from a nice neighborhood to being surrounded by crazy crackheads.
  12. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    It's only redeeming quality is the art school here. If it and UNH becomes large enough I'm hoping they can do what UMass Lowell is doing...which is take over much of downtown an clean it up. The show Cops was going to film here, but i guess enough shops protested and they backed out last minute. Shame. They woulda been able to do some damage on the heroin and stabbings they got going on here. I'm done with this city. Once I get my life in order, I'm hoping my girlfriend and I can find a nice house somewhere a little less......."colorful". I'd love to move down to Florida and jump on an Annual Pass for Disney, but my girlfriend can't deal with heat for extended periods of time. :[
  13. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Like I said, the Sandy Hook/Newtown, CT area is cheap as all hell right now. Too many people can't live with the stigma of living in the "school shooter town."
    Well, be my guest Newtown residents, move on out, I'll just take your amazing house someday. :lol:
    But seriously, at some point this year a 1,000sq ft lakeside house with 9,000sq ft of property was going for $120,000. Fucking amazing. That would have been perfect for me and the boyfriendal unit, haha. Far from people and maybe I could take up fishing or kayaking.
  14. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    I always tell my girlfriend, if we live near water someday I'll be sure to take up paddleboarding or do more kayaking. I can't live without the ocean!
  15. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    You should do that thing where you stand on a surfboard that has a sail attached to it. Is that even a thing anymore? I tried that once and it was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced of my life. Even worse than that time I got a full-on boner when I was giving that presentation in 8th grade science class.

    My family moved to the water when I was in my early teens, so "watersports" were a big part of my youth. Not by choice, mind.

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  16. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    I still remember the day in English class back in 11th grade when I was sitting in the front row my mind started wandering off as per the usual, but that day I happened to be sitting next to one of the cute girls in the class. When my mind wandered I apparently began drooling onto the desk, and when I realized I was drooling, I looked over at the girl next to me and quickly wiped it up and smiled. Boy howdy. A winner I am! So yeah a big FUCK you to that puddle of drool for ruining my chances with that cutie in 11th grade...if I even had a chance!
    patrickvaz likes this.
  17. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King


    That boner thing never actually happened, btw. Just me employing a trope for comical effect. Hope you don't feel like i tricked you into sharing an uncomfortable memory ;)

    As to the drooling thing, one of the side effects of one of my psych meds is potential excess saliva production. Which I don't notice, except sometimes when I'm sleeping. It's really fucking gross to wake up with your face in a cold, slimy puddle. It's not really a regular occurrence, thankfully. When it does happen I just have to flip my pillow over. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't happened in quite a while. Medication and/or the human body can be funny that way.

    Anyway, fuck drool in general.
  18. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    A big fuck you to Photobucket for devolving into the biggest puddle of festering feces. Way to take something that was simple and easy to use and turn it into a pop-up laden sack of crap that barely works half the time.

    Anyone have any good suggestions for other photo hosting sites?
  19. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    I abandoned PB long ago and I've just been using non-account temp hosts if I want to post something. Apparently those only stay active for a certain time and under certain conditions, so eventually any pic you post will disappear. That might not be what you need anyway. I started using tinypic, but I recently found postimage and it's even simpler to use than tinypic. I've totally made the decision to sacrifice permanence for convenience. It's kind of an inconsiderate move (to folks in the future) to make, I guess. Fuck 'em. They probably have flyin' cars and shit anyway.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  20. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Fuck temporary hosting.

    Temporary hosting / posting is a bummer. Flickr, though not what it used to be, is a dependable place to store pics you care about, and sharing the images to places like SB is quite easy. For images that aren't that important to me, or just about any image that isn't mine, I use Imgur. Many sites don't allow you to hotlink from their servers, like just about everywhere out of Japan, or remove images without warning, so it's important (I believe) to put those images somewhere where that won't just leave us with a sea of grey boxes littering the threads, frustrating and disappointing us all. Imgur rarely if ever goes down, doesn't hassle you about copyright issues and is incredibly easy to use; especially if you grab an add-on for your browser - all I have to do to is rightclick, and a menu is brought up that allows me to cap or automatically rehost whatever I'm looking at.

    Do it for the children.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  21. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    @Ultra_Gigan I've found IG to be the best/most convenient recently. Flickr is exhausting anymore having to have a yahoo id. I can't ever remember it so I'm done with it.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  22. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    as far as I can tell, its also impossible to post a photo here using flickr on an iphone.
    You just can not get to the jpg url no matter how you try. I always have to wait till im on a desktop.
    Why not include the same fuckin embed links on mobile version?!! and I don't even think you can get to a non mobile version on iphone now which used to be a pain in the ass workaround.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  23. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    @evom yeah a while back I tried and couldn't get the desktop version to pull up on my iphone either... makes it quite annoying!
    IG seems to be the easiest option if you are just posting up pics from your phone, but otherwise I still use flickr (no matter how much it sucks) to post other non-phone pictures/screen grabs/etc.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  24. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I didn't know about the mobile hassles. Have anyone taken Imgur for a spin with one?
  25. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Fair enough. I'll look into imgur. I do have a Flickr account, though I didn't even know you could use it post pics elsewhere :| But I post random stuff sometimes that I wouldn't really want on my Flickr.

    Hotlinking is kind of no-no even outside of the issue of stuff being taken down, because some sites will replace your pic with offensive or even pornographic imagery to discourage the practice. Probably not common, but it does happen.

    Also, I just recently realized how ephemeral these temp sites were but didn't really know of any other options off-hand. There was imageshack, but it looks like that converted to a pay service at some point. Which seems like an odd business model, considering there are several popular free alternatives available. I can't even find how much it costs (out of curiosity), which is annoying in itself.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
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