Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by jltohru, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    Oct 16, 2005
    sitting on skwisgaar's lap
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    theres a lot of new people on the board, some new to JP toys, some seasoned veterans!!

    the vibe is pretty good, and i thought it would be fun to introduce/re-introduce ourselves ^^

    so, i'll start. my name is Jackie, and i started collecting toys about 2 and 1/2 years ago. i don't know what i did without them. and japanese toys are definitely my "calling". i have no doubt they will be a part of my life for the rest of my days.
    i'm a nursing student with a BA in English. i like to take photos of my toys and cats, and share them with my fellow crackhead collectors.

    here is my pic (with my fave b-girl Ruby), but you don't need to post yours :razz: (dolly haters, try not to cringe ^^)


    please post people, so i don't feel like an idjut. :D
  2. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    Oct 18, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Ok, I'm up at 3am, I'll play along :razz:

    My name is Alex and I'm a toyaholic, I've been collecting on and off since I was 15. Like some people on here can probably identify with I went through several phases of collecting. I started out with comic books then McFarlane toys when they started bringing out Spawn action figures. I moved on to revisiting my childhood when I started going on eBay in '03 by buying up MOC TMNT figures ( the earlier ones with individualised cards - I've got about 40 or so stashed in a box until I can decide where to put them!). Then on to NMBC (Nightmare Before Christmas) stuff, particularly the '93 larger sized Hasbro figures and then the JUN planning coffin figures.

    A friend of mine introduced me to Vinyl in Nov '05, a [expletive deleted] called Drippy, that started it all, from there to Dummy's, etc and now J-Vinyl. Well, certain incarnations anyway.

    I manage a cinema complex http://hoyts.ninemsn.com.au/cinema/2CHW.asp, I love movies, so the job fits for now.. but I've always wanted to be an illustrator of sorts but out of practice. Thankfully all the creative people on this board have started to inspire me to start illustrating again, I'm sure I'll be doing some SB/Kaiju inspired stuff soon :)

    I don't have a pic with a toy so one of my favourite other things will have to do, my golden retriever Sam :)
  3. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    Oct 16, 2005
    sitting on skwisgaar's lap
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    thank you darky, sam is very cute ^^ i love goldens!

    now the rest of you boring mofos need to post so we can promote some positive board relations around here ;)
  4. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)

    This is my introduction. There are many like it but this one is mine. Pathology of my "geek streak":

    Ground zero was six years old, the year Star Wars came out. It hit me like a diamond bullet, and my life was forever changed. Over time large doses of additional science fiction and horror films, video games, science fiction novels and anime were added to the mental stew, but I still have that Darth Vader head with the figures stuffed into it.

    I never grew out of my toys. Like everyone here, I'm into the hard stuff now, Japanese robots and monsters. At this point they take up almost all of my closet space. Friends come over and ask why my clean clothes are neatly folded and stacked up on the floor. I tell them they don't want to know.

    By day I am a technical writer for a software company. I've also done quite a bit of freelance writing about toys, most recently for Super7. Put my name into a search engine and 90% of the hits will have to do with products manufactured for grade-school children. The hobby has also taken me back to Japan four times already, and this summer will be the fifth trip.

    The toy buying has tapered off a bit for the time being, though. Currently I am paring down the collection to the essentials and preparing for The Next Big Thing.

    Some of the people on this board who have met me in person did so while I was drunk.

    My favorite recent acquisition is the Yamanaya/Tsuburaya color-change Dino-Tank:


    I also collect failed relationships.

    EDIT: One more thing about me. Now that I have made this post, my thousandth, I am now officially "Comment King." Bow down before me.
  5. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    Dec 5, 2005
    Oop North, UK
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Name's Parka - comes from La Parka, seasoned Lucha Libre luchadore.

    Only feels like i've been collecting Jap vinyl for ten minutes (sometime in '05), and would still consider myself a relative newbie. Convoluted story of how I ended up here: Saw a random 'what else do you collect' on an import console forum and spotted some [expletive deleted]'s. Did some digging and ended up on KR. Then Jackie showed me the darkside and i've been here ever since.

    In the real world i'm a student (parasite on society, have a wash etc...[uk reference to Lovejoy]) and part-time pharmacy tech.

    Favourite company is Secret Base, and here's my favourite sculpt/colourway

  6. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    Jun 26, 2006
    Boston, MA
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Ok miss jackie...you got me to do this...

    My name is Ed, and I started collecting toys about a year and a half ago.
    Prior to that, I had been collecting vintage tiki mugs along with prints and originals from various artists (Ryden, Shag, chueh, and some others..).
    I started off with some Western, but quickly moved over to the JP side of things as I found the quality and styles more to my liking. Current interests lie in RxH and some SB stuff for newer, and I'm trying to get a better understanding of vintage stuff. nodders and kamen rider stuff comes to mind as things i'm digging lately. Anyone have an oghan bat for me? ;)

    By day I am an analyst for an investment bank in Boston, MA. In addition to toy collecting, I enjoy travelling, live music, Disney theme parks, Haunted Mansion paraphernalia and history , and spending time with my bf Ryan and my dog Maggie.

    This is a great idea Jackie....I hope more people add to this thread...oh and i can add a picture later. I'm at work...fun fun...
  7. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    Oct 18, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    The spidery thing in your hand looks awesome, what is it? (Roger)
  8. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    Oct 16, 2005
    sitting on skwisgaar's lap
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    thanks ed ^^ you're sweet. and you parka, have been a good pupil. lol
    and roger is making me feel like i have to put up my collecting resume, but suffice it to say, i've been accumulating all sorts of shit for years. haha^^ but JP vinyl for a much shorter time :D
  9. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Oct 21, 2005
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Rat Bat spider.
  10. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Nov 3, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Hey all. I'll just go by akum6n for now- wary about pairing my real name and my Internet handle after some people made the connection in the past. A lot of you probably know my real name anyway.

    I started out (and still am) collecting Japanese mecha. I have an enormous Transformer and dinosaur toy collection from my childhood, which is probably the origin of my habit. Habits. Over time, I've migrated to, as Roger puts it, the "hard stuff": vintage Transformers, Gundam and other mecha, and JP vinyl. JP vinyl was instigated by Toybot's blog, which had some sweet, sweet translucent figures up at one point. (Yes, I blame you, Toybot.) Oh, and I don't bother hiding it in the closet- all of my stuff is in my living room in about 30-40 boxes and plastic bins.

    My day job is that of a real estate attorney. At night (those nights when I'm not working), I manage my weirdo blog, Robot Loves Monster!, where I try to showcase all of the shit that I've bought over the past few years.

    My favorite company right now is probably Dream Rocket- just got the GID Doguma :D. I generally collect translucent pink and green (hence the colors of my blog), Christmas, and Halloween vinyls.

    Sorry, no pics either. I can't break my camera, because I need it to photograph my toys.
  11. donnierobot

    donnierobot Comment King

    Oct 10, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Jackie , cool idea.
    Spence is they name they gave me, I have always collected toys firstly star Wars and Spiderman but only recently discovered the darkside that is skullbrain, my friend Tor$tenboy told me to look a one of Drews' postings on KR and i was like what the hell are those (obakes !) I guess being a lifelong horror fanatic pulled me in straight away, then before you know it im here and spending far too much money but making many friends.
    I work as a retail sales manager in London, but also own a small horror t shirt company called Hollywood Nightmares that is a labour of love. In the past I have released records on my own label (spanakorzo/Dahlia seed/oxford collapse) toured bands (swing kids) sold shirts for bands (sensefield ) had a horror magazine Psychotic Reaction and organised 24 hour horror marathons at Londons Scala cinema.
    Inbetween all this tomfoolery i worked at HMV and loads of indipendent record stores, I have a distinct lack of ambition but really want the shirt business to take off, Eli Roth has not been photographed for the last year without wearing our shirts which makes me happy.
    Will post a picture when i get home.
    I would like to say thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome on this board since i joined in Oct.
    You guys and gals are the best !
    80's me yes i am old, and i love Japan (the band)
    this is me now (my I've growed up)
  12. dr0ss

    dr0ss Toy Prince

    Nov 2, 2006
    Los Angeles
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Hey guys,

    My name's Jorge. I started collecting things about 9 or 10 years ago when I was in 7th grade. I first started collecting records (and still do) when I was in 7th grade. A few years later when I turned around 18, I started collecting concert posters. Then 1 year and a half ago when I found out that Jermaine Rogers also made toys, I started collecting western vinyl. My Japanese toy addiction just barely started a half a year ago. My favorite toys companies are Rumble Monsters and Gargamel.

    Currently, I'm a student at Cal State Northridge. I feed all my Japanese toy addiction by working part-time at Best Buy.

    I really dig this board. Some people on here have been really cool and hooked me up with some great toys. Thanks!

  13. ramos

    ramos Side Dealer

    Oct 16, 2005
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    I am just building a collection for my children!

    this is actually my favorite collectible I own:

    Here is the big stuff:


    I am a guy with black hair and lives in San Francisco. I have moved around to a few cities and SF is pretty cool. I live with my girlfriend Kerri and have 2 pets. Free time is spent sleeping in, hanging out with my lady, working on this site and my small record label, dnp006.com

    Toys are fun to collect, learn about and buy. Putting this site up has been good. It is great to see so many people interacting. Last night after the opening at Super7, there were 8 board members chopping it up over some of Brian's new designs. Lots of fun.
  14. dr0ss

    dr0ss Toy Prince

    Nov 2, 2006
    Los Angeles
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Is that a Le Merde plush on the left corner?
  15. jessie_O

    jessie_O Toy Prince

    Sep 4, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    my name is jess...
    i live in maine where i am pretty sure me and joe are the only toy collectors.i have never seen another toy collector in person, so i am not entirely conviced you guys exist.
    this is my friend jack he is a wampa...
    things i love include...
    my bemons
    original horror movie posters
    hot rods
    blood spattered things
    and yo mama.
  16. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Oct 17, 2005
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    If we don't exist who has been sending you stuff in the mail?
  17. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Jan 2, 2007
    My Mind
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    My name is Hiro aka:LiLJAPAN.I call myself this cause I am short and Japanese.;) I love to draw and sleep. I tend to daydream alot, imagining myself in a world that does not exist. It seems that I talk to myself alot and also in my sleep. I love to collect anything that looks cool. Recently I have been drawn to the real Heads and am planning on collecting as much as I can. I was in Japan for years training to become a chef, but all that salad and frying pans being thrown at me by my boss for making mistakes wasn't my thing. so I came back to the states to pursue my dream in becoming a artist. Since I came back I startted working at Super 7 and loving it. Toys and art surrounding me everyday is the best feeling ever. Hmmm........I think thats all I can say right now.
    Here is my Myspace link. If you have one please add me. I guess thats all I can say for now.
  18. jessie_O

    jessie_O Toy Prince

    Sep 4, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    i think it may just be one guy like the great and powerful oz.
    isolation does strange things to a person. we should have a dinner with all the kids from the boston area. bring any toys we might wanna trade, and share some beers. i know there are a few kids on this board from around there.
  19. creevox

    creevox Addicted

    Nov 21, 2005
    New York
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    I'll play along.
    My name is Bernie. I'm 38 years old. Born and raised native New Yorker. Born in Manhattan, lived in Queens until 16 years old and then moved just north of NYC . I'm a first generation Irish American. Both of my parents Immigrated here from County Clare Ireland forty some odd years ago.
    I'm a USN Desert Storm Vet
    Gave up my dream of being a rock star 6 years ago when my best friend and guitarist/songwriter in my band Ten Degree Lean died in the World Trade Center on 9-11. Just lost all my musical passion. Sold all my equipment except for one bass. While in Greenwich Village on day just trying to kill some time and get my mind off all the chaos after the terrorist attacks, I stumbled into a comic shop and fell in love with Funko Wacky Wobblers. Built up quite a big collection when I hit a nerve with a couple of Glow in the Dark Bobbleheads. The decision to focus almost entirely on Glow vinyl toys wasn't even a decision, it was just something I had to do!!!
    Been collecting only Glow for around 3 years, focusing almost entirely on Kaiju and Japanese vinyl toys.
    I promise to find a newer pic of myself. But since I got all fat LOL I kinda avoid getting my pic taken. So this is a pic from Bootcamp May 1989.
    If interested...do a google on Ten Degree Lean and you can hear what we where about. The band just signed on with a manager and things were starting to happen when 9-11 took my best friend and our dream. Sorry to end on a downer like this!

  20. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    Jun 26, 2006
    Boston, MA
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    I'd be down for this...I think there are 4 or 5 other folks from the area that i can think of.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Oct 17, 2005
    Nowhere NY
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    My real name is John and ive been collecting in one way or another since the early 80s..GI Joe figs /comics etc etc-I am also jltohru(Jackies) older brother..Heres an older pic-I may not look so nice in this one but it was early-lol!!!Love this forum and the people in it!!Keep up the good work Isaac and all our RFSO bros and sis's!!

  22. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    Apr 9, 2006
    Bay Area
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    my name is jeff. i'm shy
  23. creevox

    creevox Addicted

    Nov 21, 2005
    New York
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    Sorry, gotta call Shenanigans on this one!!! :D
    Been on the board less than a year and have over 2200 posts...Your not shy, you can't shut up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  24. jessie_O

    jessie_O Toy Prince

    Sep 4, 2006
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    cool where would you wanna eat, you know the city better than i, we always just go to sabatinos
  25. shibby

    shibby Comment King

    Mar 13, 2006
    San Jose
    Just for fun ^^ (Board intros and re-intros)
    I grew up in Japan town in S.J., so I watch a lot of Henshin shows, Go Rangers, Kamen Rider, and Kikaida. Then as most kids moved on to Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman. My father got me started, he was a truck driver and one day he brought me a Bullmark Godzilla! I knew there were toys, from Godzilla Vs Hedorah, but thought there was no way to get them in the states. A few years later I would be introduced to man named August Ragone, who showed me the wonderful world of anime, that would spur me to purchase vast amounts of mecha models. My collecting of Kaiju continued then I found a magazine called Super 7. Then upon the release of issue 7, I fell in love with the Secret base figs. For months I’d lurk on the board trying understand what these figs were, after agonizing about taking the plunge, A friend and I made the trip to shop, I went in, bought my first, bee, went to lunch, and couldn’t stop obsessing on the sculpt and bought two more figs that day before heading home. I’ve found this board, to be friendly and more than helpful at times.
    This is the only pic I have at work, it’s from a golf tourney, and I don’t golf, or smoke.

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