This awesome piece will hopefully get me motivated to paint the old gargamel figures as well..........i think they the fit very nice........
Got this evil beast the other day. It was pretty fun to put him together, I'd never had to do that before. It's kind of crazy how fast the hair dryer heats up the vinyl to make it nice and soft. One little nit pick on this guy though. I love the arm to arm width on this guy, but the front to back width is pretty skimpy and almost flat. It's almost like he was sculpted from the front with no real thought to the sides and back. I guess it makes some sense considering this is designed from a 2D 16-bit video game.
^ I think he was designed similar to that of a "MUSCLE" figure which explains a lot of his design including the thickness. He was designed mainly to be seen from the front. My biggest complaint with him is 1 of the features I thought was really cool before I got him. The head and cape rests on the shoulders and leaves you with a toy that can't be posed, despite having some articulation. The head/cape also just rest on top and don't really attach so when handling him it tends to slide off easily. All this said I love the overall sculpt, it is a great translation, and I am glad someone is making toys for games many of us remember as kids.
Good point Animator. I think you are right about the MUSCLE similarity. That is Zoomoth's background. Isn't this their first vinyl fig? He definitely looks best from the front. And the overall engineering of the figure is wonky and for an articulated figure, it has zero ability to pose. Again, if it's their first vinyl figure I'm sure they'll just get better and better. Despite these posts sounding critical, I do love the figure and am very glad to have him! Keep em coming Zoomoth.
the cape head thing is tripping me out Such a rad idea. Seems like so much cut out waste though.... maybe the head and cape wern't stuck down verticle in the mold hole (I love saying moldhole)? maybe the cut away part will be revealed later as a shield? You can't re-use that shit again. It still goes into the garbage in Japan.
shit, even their site is cool. i found myself scrolling up/down for a few minutes just to keep seeing that falling person.
I agree, the Gargamel g&g toys are spot on but I also enjoy Zoomoth and wish there were more releases, would really love to have a Son Son set!
The samurai is a static sculpt, no articulation. Samuel on the other, lacks playability, because you have to completely lift the shoulders to rotate the arms.
Toybreak's most recent episode includes a review of the Zoomoth Samuel. Skip to 32 minutes in to go straight to the review
Somewhat recently ruined by HelloPike! Thanks bud! Anyone pickup the purple release from the last wonderfest?
Really dig the Samuel, but not the smaller sculpts. Size matters! Did Zoomoth do the Samus Aran figure too, or was that someone else?
Pretty sure it's all done by the same Neclos Fortress Sculptor who does work for both Zoomoth and Nerdone.
Yeah me too. I'm really glad they are keeping up with this game. I hope they have a few more g&g characters in the pipeline.
His name is Shigeo Uchida aka Uchida-san. There is a great interview in Mandarake Trash magazine that Micro Miyakoshi did with him on his career and involvement with Neclos Fortress.
Thanks Tyler! Sorry to ask another question but is this the Mandarake Trash Magazine dedicated to Neclos that I've seen on YJA at crazy prices?