I've been lurking for a while, enjoying the company as a fly on the wall more or less. I've always thought that when the going gets tough, the tough go pro, and with the flippers an popularity of urban vinyl, Japanese vinyl is definitely pro. A long time kaiju fan, now wanting to get more into it, and it seems that a significant resource is YJA. I buy at Super7 pretty regularly, but you guys snap that stuff up faster'n hell. I think I can figure out how to order from earlier posts, but how does one who knows not a lick of Japanese do an effective search? Are there any lists with character names written in Japanese? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Now, back to drool some more over Geo's pictures...
Hyper would prob be the man to ask, but usually, I just search through a category by picture and look at what catches my eye...
redfive, Use the link that Parka posted. I'm not sure of the translation for Chibull Seijin, but if you use the Japanese for M1, Marmit and Marusan, you will find several Chibull Seijin auctions. In fact I just won one.
I am very glad to hear that Creevox!!!!!!!! I was going for one of the painted GID Chibull's but I got outbid!!!!!!!!! its good you got yours though!!!!!!
Thanks Creevox. I see that one is going for big money right now. Congrats on your win. I will get the hang of this. Hey VGA, any Dehara finds on YJA?
Yeah does Dehara stuff ever come up on there? I'm still looking for a clear menta kun and those collabs w/ the Coro dog...
Okay, when I go to Yahoo Japan auctions to search , when the page comes up I can't F'n understand anything i'm doing. I know these characters are NOT Japanese , they are some kind of weird broken up shit writing ! So PLEASE, what do I do now. I know that this is the only place I will ever be able to find some of the figures I want, this is F'n FRUSTRATING as hell. The info here sounds great but does me no good if I can't get behind it thinking wise. Somebody help a fellow BRAIN figure this shit out. Do I need to add some kinda translation program ? I need SIMPLE info - SHAPE PS, Roger said I may need a Japanese character set installed. Is that expensive and or hard to do ?
Should be free to get the character sets installed. I use Mozilla and its already pre-installed. I thought IE had a pop-up to say that it won't be showed properly etc.
yeah on mine a little box comes up and says that I need to install something for the characters to come up but I never have, on my computer the characters just looks like a bunch of jiberish bullshit so I just click on everything and now I know what is going on!!!!!!! that is basically what you need to do and don't worry you always have the back button to take you back if you get lost!!!!!!!!!
I think unless you're using the newest version of IE you don't get jack- there is no longer any support for the older versions. At least it seems that way to me. My hand me down Imac runs IE 5 and I have tried everything to a japanese character set to display properly and nothing works.