Ok, i've popped my cherry with YJA. I think this auction has ended, but Celga have bidded for me. http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f40816464 and won this BIN http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n37228114 Yay!! Secret Base matches. Prob paid over the odss but hey, its SB Got another auction finishing soon - so fingers crossed.
If you ever want to sell the blobpus, I'll gladly take it off your hands... I have the accompanying sister release of that version.
Hey that first auction has the wrong cd with it!! Very good price on the figure though. I'm not sure if the auction has actually ended though, you might want to take the links down until it's over. Remember japan is a day off from us. I could be wrong but I think these still both have a day left. Oh and those secret base matches are fuckin rad!! Light your cancer sticks in style cool guy!!
I'm sure its ended, but if anyone outbids that price Loco will steal it from them haha. With the matches, now I need to start smoking again....
I just received the "female" version of the you got from Knewnan... it's an awesome Blob... You're gonna love it.