sacrilige to destroy the cape !! atleast that is what i think... when mine arrives,,it is being displayed de-masked,,,cape fully-wrapped dracula style,,,just the eye sticking out the hole elephant man style... the mask can be used elsewhere (maybe on a DBM skullbrain??)....
dude, where you been, the cape is supposed to be destroyed. Haven't you been to the Cure website lately? It's all on there in black and white, get with the program, and kick your translator in to high gear. You must be new to this ~
Well, you got me there, because I have no idea what that means, I was just joking around. Your way sounded cool 2. I had a bad experience with capes in the past, and just had to tear that fucker off. Long story, but just to warn everyone here, capes are highly flammable. One figure with a cape is not worth losing your home and all your belonings for. I have been thru it, and just take my word for it, it's not worth it. Worst case, if I have to sell him, I will just have my Mom sew it back on. Hopefully the future buyer is not reading this post.
Is there a visual list somewhere Joe? I just recall Scott posting a whole bunch of the Boogies awhile ago.
i think there are pics in some other boogie threads, maybe jeb's collection pic. i think most of us have the 10 production pieces. The snake skin is probably still possible but the SB lottery is downright impossible.
Re: Yet another Boogie..... capeless The Cure snake head is no less than FANGMATO from 1992 Attack of the The Killer Tomatoes Figures by Matel..sort of!?... Take a look... Cure have done an amzing job..Now to score one at retail....
Re: Yet another Boogie..... capeless Actually, after a quick hunt to find more pictures, I think this Fangmato may be harder to find than your average Boogie. Hah, I've got to admit though, the resemblance is uncanny. I still think Boogies are pretty damn sick; they wear this killer tomato for a head quite nicely.