I had the plaesure of attending Bwana Spoons (and friends) new show Yellowfang at GR2 (Gaint Robot 2) in West LA. Sawtelle Blvd, between Santa Monica and Pico contains a mini-Japan town - Two GR's, and GR eats, plus lots of great places to eat for cheap to reasonable (amazing Zagat rated noodles in GIANT bowls for under $7!!!) - plus some other cool stores like Blackmarket, lots of Japanese plant nurseries and other cool Japanese stores. Anyway, the show itself, named after a Bwana collab with Martin Ontiveros, looks like some of Bwana's best work to date. Other collabs included pieces with Tim Biskup, Seonna Hong and Andrew Brandou (spectaular giant robo-cat http://grasshutcorp.com/news/0343.html) as well as scads of solo paintings. Also included was the original Earth Restoyer painting, and some very cool Steven the Bat paintings. Bwana was on-hand to exhibit his usual ultra-friendliness and profess his love for Skullbrain. (He was also rockin a pair of camo Adicolors, possibly the best camo shoes created so far....) One wall of the show: Each painting actually links together to form a continuing whole: Bwana puts together some finishing touches to some rather rad prints: ...and displays remarkable fortitude when forced to clasp Death Phantom clad stalker-fan. Much more info than I can provide is available at http://grasshutcorp.com/