Anyone have all of the rub off Chaos figures in a single picture? I don't care for them individually, but I bet they look really nice in a group.
Yea, it was. Saw it posted, went to do some work, came back and price went up $10. Now I'm reconsidering.
What everyone means is that it was $60, then when there was 9 or 10 left it went to $70, unless it was a error to begin with.
thanks, yea I cought that. I imagine its habbit to list at $60, then... oops got to raise the price..
It was for sure an error. Sorry to everyone but I brought it to their attention. I called it to get the figure packed with my other order and they altered me that it was 70 not 60. So I told them the online store had the wrong price then. Sorry everyone....