Does anybody know anything about these? I heard there were chase figures. Trying to decide if it is worth opening or keeping.
I got the blind-bagged Isopod. The only difference that I know of is that some of them came with a frog-shaped raygun. I'm not sure about the Kingkamenpa, maybe different ball and chain weapons? The Blobpus paint job is pretty stunning.
do they glow in the dark? i did not see the ball weapon in the picture, but now i can feel it in the bag. cool.
I have a question about the Isopod's gun. Is it a frog or a fish? Anyone? I keep seeing it referred to as a frog. But it looks like a fish from the pics I have seen.
i picked up one of each. no raygun, but surprisingly scored a custom isopod. like plastichunter said, the blobpus paint job is stunning, even on the regular release. oh, and they are GID.
Wow jcat those are amazing. The shell on the Isopod is ridiculous. Were all of these part of the blind bag series? As far as the raygun goes mine was gun-less. Here's a couple more pics. I guess it could be a fish but I'm sticking with frog for now.
thanks plastichunter...the shell on the isopod is insane, it almost looks like it was done with watercolors (there are more pics on my flickr). the isopod and king kamenpa were the 2 figures from the latest blind bag release. the mushroom soup man was a blind bag from the blobpus lucky bag.
Nothing personal, but I find this to be a very strange statement... if a newbe posted this, there would be hell to pay. Why wouldn't you want to open them? For that matter, why buy them in the 1st place?
Why would there be hell to pay? A newbie would not be accepted or cool enough to post? Open them, but then they would go down in value. Much cooler to always be wondering what inisde. Why buy them? So people will like me.
Your original comment sounded a little profit-based to me, because it was an info request for a possible chase & whether it's worth opening or keeping. Am I really the only one who read it this way? The only value is currently hidden inside the bags... and by value, I mean: "awesome sculpts with the possibility of extra-awesome paint." Mebbe I'm just bitter from paying top dollar for my two paltry yamo-prizes, which I enjoy regardless of anyone else's opinion of worth... send 'em to me & I'll open both, free of charge! *rant over*
in my opinion its a fish gun. i ended up getting isopod w/gun and a one off king kamenpa then went back for another kamenpa cos i wanted the regular blobpus paint. i don't think there is a difference with the kings accessory the two i got were both pink balls. pleasantly surprised when i got the kamenpa though, i didn't realize he was blindbagged.
Ummmmm, maybe because Mike runs Clubtokyo and is a long time dealer and collector. I would imagine he must run into alot of situations where he is tempted to keep something for his collection that was originally purchased with the intention of reselling. I know I would.
All I want to know is where do I buy these? I usually don't venture into these waters and stay pretty boring with my little Skullbrain collecting and a few odds and ends, but these are just amazing! If I can acquire, I shall open! No offense meant to those who don't.
I picked up a mystery from Amy over at Lulu. Thanks again Jcat! Waiting for it to show up so I can crack it open. Very excited. Hoping it hits today. But I'll prolly be gone and the mailman won't leave it behind. Prolly have to make the trip to the dreaded post office.
These pictures do not pay justice to the amazing colors in this piece, green, blue, purple, pink, red, silver, gold, bronze, black spray.
@ 666doll: glad it worked out john, it's a great piece! @ plastichunter: very cool isopod...i bet it looks amazing in person! @ krudler: there was no breach in confidentiality. everything was cleared by amy at lulu.
Ah ok I just assumed the request not to post information was a request not to post information, not sure how I got that confused. I got a one off Isopod with a gun and a Regular Isopod with a gun, no common Isopod (without gun). Doubt there's many Isopods still floating about.