I know I've seen this guy around here before. I'm trying to find one. Anyone know the name and producer? I think it was a Yamomark...but not sure.
Ya, this is a Yamomark figure. Also known as the "Henchman" I believe. This particular release was part of a special mail order set that was an exclusive through Tokyo "One Week" magazine. I think it was available for pre-order for a week and that's long since passed. I'm sure once they are actually in the hands of general public a few will surface on YJA etc. though.
S7 had the normal Blue and Red version. The Clear one you posted was part of a set offered through some magazine.
I like it even more if it's called The Henchman! I love this sculpt. Thanks guys! Time to search YJP for 'kaeru'
Smorking frog. Like the body shape but hate the cigarette hanging out. I think the sculpt and facial expression are strong but the cig is absolutely unnecessary
Really? In my opinion it's the the cig that adds just the right touch of humor to the sculpt. I don't think I would like it near as much if he wasn't puffin. Besides...Henchfrogmen smoke.
yes..i love smoking and drinking but feel that it weakens it a bit. i would actually love to see this guy in a tweed jacket and hat like the old frog and toad kids' books.