I was wondering what people thought about these figures that were released at Tokyo Toyfest 18? I think the company itself, Yamomark, is new. At least that's what I gather from translating different blog entries. I decided against picking up either of the bigger guys at this point, but did bite on the minis. I thought it was cool that the ears on the bigger Kingkoaran figure are articulated. - photo from leo2006 blog I'm also looking forward to these little guys - Chief frogs and sea slug and his henchmen, that are an upcoming release. - photo from sofvi-news blog
Re: Yamomaku figures Been checking these out, very unique... Love the ears on the big guys. Way cooler than the new stuff Shikaruna has been cranking out.
Re: Yamomaku figures I think these are terrific. I'm really digging the "blobby" sort of style of figures by Hukkokudo, Shikaruna, and now Yamomaku. Nice pick-ups!
Re: Yamomaku figures I almost picked up the darker version of the big guy. wishing I would have pulled the trigger now, this pic makes them look great. I hope the mini black and teal guys from this pic get made full size, I like the looks of them.
Re: Yamomaku figures those things are wicked! They are my favourite of the more bizarre things I've seen.
Re: Yamomaku figures I think I like those minis with the mouths. Not too fond of the standard size sculpts though.
Re: Yamomaku figures I'm really into the crudeness of these sculpts too and lately find myself drawn more and more to sculpts like these. Old re-issue Marusan stuff is also super cool for this reason - tons of texture/character. I like that a lot.
Re: Yamomaku figures I think these all look interesting in a weird way. Curious about the backside on the larger figures. I definitely appreciate crude sculpts especially if they have lots of texture. It makes for a nice break or juxtaposition from all of the clean lines and smoothness of other toy lines. Also, there's something tactile about holding one or running your hands along it that you can't get with a more refined figure. Gogas, Bemons, Gas Bawers, Dempagons etc all seem to have this quality.
Re: Yamomaku figures I couldn't agree more. Here's a link to their blog with some other images as well. http://yamomark.blog19.fc2.com/
Re: Yamomaku figures I wish I could see the front of this figure. I really like how the centipede thing is crawling up his arm to his head. Thanks for the link, Tim!
Re: Yamomaku figures Definitely alot of texture going on. I don't know, the big guys seem to remind me too much of other monsters...sorry I can't remember names right now, but especially the head/ears is very reminiscent of something. Chief frog however kicks ass and has alot of character.
Re: Yamomaku figures I love the minis and the full size looks pretty cool, too...now to restrain myself from hopping on YAJ!
Re: Yamomaku figures Funny how you can physically go to the show and STILL miss stuff. Like these - specially the minis. I believe Hyeper Hobby said the comapny's mission statement is to creat new Kaiju in the old standard Bullmark stylee & Form factors.
Re: Yamomaku figures I love that glossy, almost glass/porcelain look of 'em in this photo. Most definitely will not sleep on these. Almost hoping no one else digs 'em too much, so I have a better chance . Then again, that's how I feel about most thingz in life .
Re: Yamomaku figures When I think Bear Model I think simple color base and striking paint highlights that 'seems' really thoughtout. Seems to be the case with these. All I do know is I want some and I need help getting them...
Re: Yamomaku figures The Frog Dude is my fav. He looks awesome and cool at the same time. I want one of those.
Re: Yamomaku figures Although the overall sculpt of the big figures didn't grab me like the sculpt on the smaller figs, I thought that the paints were really well done on all the figs. Is anybody in the US likely to carry these?
Re: Yamomaku figures i love the detailed paint app on the big guy on the left. also digging the frog mini guy.