This thing is off the charts sick! Dennis (Baiken) and I bought the first two, and there was a huge line after us that took care of the rest of their stock in minutes. Pictures do not do this guy justice. He is about the size of a standard figure and the Metallic paint job is fantastic. Best toy of the show in my opinion. I can't wait to get this baby home, so I can dunk him in the tub.
He does seem awsome, I pre-ordered with S7 and can't wait to see him in person, I kinda wish I had bought the metallic long-neck that was also availible. It looked really sweet too.
It really is a nice piece. It reminds me of all those times while growing up in Hawaii, where I'd be in Longs drugs asking my mom if she could buy me all of those crazy baddass looking Bullmarks. But this time actually scoring one.
Can't wait for this to land... The 1st look at this had my brain go completely bonkers... Can't believe it has so much articulation.
Can we see a pic of it next to a different figure? Just for size comparison, super cool. I wish I could have pre-ordered it from S7 a few back but the money wasn't there.
I've seen models of this guy before. I passed on it because it doesn't really fit in with my collection goals, but now I kind of regret it.
Very nice!! Can I still get this from Super 7? or another outlet... What was the price tag on this piece I'm guessing 60.00
Yeah, the articulation is crazy! The gun turrets all spin, and the legs move nicely into different poses. Bascially an aesthetically pleasing badass toy thats fun to play with. And apparently Baiken has already tested his in the tub and its passed the floating test.
Just ordered mine! Can't wait to see him. I guess this monster was based on the original Ultraman comic and not the live action show. Battleship Yamamoto comes to mind
I thought the same thing based not only on the battleship form but also the name "Yamato," but it seems that was the original name (?) Plus, it looks so Bullmark-y that I didn't think it was the result of a more recent source, especially since Yamanaya does do so many reissues of old Bullmark toys. The comic origin would explain why I can't find any images from Ultra Q or Ultraman. I can't wait to have this bad boy in hand. He's gonna give the Dino-Tank regiment some naval reinforcement.
I've been searching on-line to see if I could find the original character or figure, but with no luck. Was this character originally in a Ultraman comic or book rather than the show?
I could not find a general Yamanaya thread to drop this in, so digging this dead thread back up to life. The newest Yamanaya Yamaton arrived a few days for me. It is still available for purchase over at Hobby Search Japan at a very reasonable price of 6,300 yen.
I'd jump on it if I was feeling the colors, but looks sort of dull. For some reason with these I need a gold or yellow eye color, makes them look more menacing. This almost looks exactly like another version the came out in 2012 except the eye was gold and there were more gold/red highlights. Still I'm sure it will look nice with your fleet. I wish I never sold my dark brown/grey version. And I really wish I could have found the hawaiian version that was floating around in March!
Had to sell mine back in 2010 but got this new one as a pre-order. Never knew that pre-order waiting could be so tense, but he finally showed up. As nice or even nicer than the originals, but isn't this one a little smaller? Bad memory?