Can I get some help from someone who has the last few issues of Hyper Hobby? I'm after a few of these small Y-MSF Jet Jaguar figures: Seems the only way to get them is to visit certain shops in Japan or by ordering them through Hyper Hobby. The posting on the Y-MSF went up about 2 months back so I'm not sure which issue of Hyper Hobby the coupon is in. Anyone with the last few issues of Hyper Hobby know which month has the Y-MSF coupon? Thanks. -- jJ
Not to make it seem even more difficult, but I don't think it was just Hyper Hobby, but Figure King and Quanto, too.
I kinda get the feeling that noone ever has successfully gotten a YMSF figure. I've never seen anyone say 'Oh man, look at this great YMSF figure I got!'. Always just befuddled posts asking where the hell these toy are. They do look good tho.
They've got some Super Robot and Gatchaman kits that look really cool, and I think, are fairly hard to come by and/or fairly expensive.
I know John Groff has done some amazing KaijuZoo customs of Y-MSF Hedorahs. He posted on TBDX about one of them here:,1 ... msg-154618 And here's J.B.'s gid Hedorah:,1 ... msg-154276 ...Which John transformed into this:,1 ... msg-158934 As for the rest of their offerings, it appears they're still in business (which is a good thing), but their website is grossly out-of-date and I wouldn't hold my breath regarding anything they have coming out...
The new version Megalon sculpt (and the unpainted flying JJ mini) and the Kumonga just came out recently. I've heard rumblings that the Gargantuas are actually going to happen. Fingers crossed!
That might make it easier. Anyone readers of Figure King or Quanto that know what issues the coupons were in? I'm pretty much stuck with this. I've had a friend in Japan try to contact Y-MSF but they don't respond to emails. So it looks like the magazine coupons might be my last option. Anyone else ever have any luck emailing Y-MSF? It would be a lot easier just to go through them. -- jJ
Maybe a dumb question, but did you e-mail them in Japanese? You might wanna have your deputy service of choice do the communicating in Japanese if not...
Hey Sanjeev. How goes? Yeah, before I bothered anyone here I had my friend in Japan email them but they never responded. -- jJ
I think they will have several new figures out anyday now. kumonga looks cool. new megalon is pretty much the same. Have not seen the mecha kong in person, but should be pretty cool.