Has anyone ever suggested Xmas tree ornaments from SB and the ilk before? I think it would be killer to hang a nice blown glass Skullbrain on my tree...
Why not just hang a set of Secreter brains form your tree as is? They already come with tinsel after all........
To True... But I would much rather have some lovely blown glass brains hanging from the stump. Really? Any threads here that show em?
I know there was. It was a KT exclusive, a tree that came with the figures on it, or you could by each fig individually. Jackie used to have it when she was around. I have two of the figs from it, didn't opt for the little tree. edit: they were just the figures, they weren't blown glass or anything.
Thanks. Blown glass would be very cool. You could still attain all the color schemes and whatnot except I think they'd pop more