Two of my favorites join forces again; Ron English and Secret Base. Anyone who knows me, knows that clear Japanese vinyl skin with visible internal organs make me week at the knees...ssssssssshudderrrr The first version released at SDCC09 is a firm favorite of mine - and this new clear version is even better. Can anyone confirm rumors of a chase version?
the picture I saw this morning had two in it I believe. not sure if one (which one) would be a chase.
those things totally rule. i never liked the mcsupersized sculpt much, but the way those guts look, it's like you can focus on either the shell or the interior of the figure, and its like looking at 2 different one! i really want to get one of them orange ones....
those make real creepy halloween toy - nice!!! i like both, not sure they will look good alltogether... anyone have a pic of old and guts ones side by side? dissected painting in the pic looks very funny.
such a sick toy. i would even say i like this release more than the SDCC version, since the inner skeleton is much more visible and defined through the colorless clear vinyl. i'd definitely be fine with either of the halloween colorways, but i'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the white!