Not sure if anyone still needs the X-ray Galtan but Knunt has it for $75! Great figure and very cool when it glows
Dammit! I paid more for mine. I knew I shoulda been more patient with the Galtans...oh well, I still have two to go - I'll be patient for the last two.
I got mine for $38 EMSed. muhuhahahahaaaaw! (that kind of action almost never happens so please just let me enjoy this).
yea, Iv seen these sell for like $40 recently. the price is really falling due to awesome new colorways.
yeh once all the sick and rare colorways appeared the x-ray lost it's early mystic but is still a wicked piece.
It's not the new colorways - the original production run was so oversold that they made a second batch to order where you could buy more than just one...there are a hell of a lot more of the X-Rays available than any other version of the Galtan.
I would to get one, but if I do I will damn myself to complete them And it would be nice if they were just abit bigger, like fight figure sized
This is an early early proto or 1off or something... not an upcoming release (I dont think) No need for mass hysteria... yet
Oh thank fuck - that photo with no explanation really scared me. I can't miss anymore at retail - catching up on the ones I missed isn't fun for my paypal account...still need two! I'm trying really hard to be patient and not just shell out money to acquire the last two I need.