WoW - Burning Crusade tonight

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Locomoco, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Anyone gonna stand in line for this? ;)

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Naw i'm gonna wait-you can only enter the gate if you're lvl 45 or higher anyway right?
  3. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    I didn't know that John. Makes sense though, I think I saw the areas where quite high level. I haven't played this much at all in the last month. My computer has gone to god, so not getting into the WoW world at all - unless I sneak on during lunch at work.
  4. shibby

    shibby Comment King

    It will be madness, most of the Fry's are having Blizzard dev signings
  5. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    We seem to be soooo much more laid back here when I see the talk about queueing up etc. for games and hardware. I don't think we come close to haveing crazy shit like that. Sure some will line up, but the stores are sort of bribed into opening late etc. by the companies that sell the gear. Burning Crusdae has been on pre-order for soooooo long you would be mad not to have gone that way if you were so keen.

    Also, everyman and his dog will be making those new characters too. Bloodelves will be going crazy no doubt.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    There was a huge battle the other night-Alliance raided orgrimmar and started crap but we cleaned house!!Yeah the areas are usually level specific from what ive seen...I'm at 25 right now and are running out of places to level up but theres just a bunch of random crap i need to do for that to happen...
  7. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    Lvl 25 is good around the areas near Sunrock Retreat and Arathi Highlands.

    PvP is so much fun. It's cool being a raiding party and head on over to the elfie's land. You can cause some dramas before the high level players came and kick your ass for you!! Real adrenalaine stuff.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    I know the Arathi highlands but wheres the other place??

    Definitely get an adrenaline rush during PvP battle-wayyy different than NCP fighting..Thing that sucks is you get killed and the cemetary was so close to us i had to wait 2 minutes before every regen-lol
  9. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    Ha ha ha! I've been in PvP action that was way aways from the cemetary and had to run a marathon just to get back to the fray! It's fun though when you res and see all these other peeps running back too!!

    Sun Roack Retreat is looooonnnngggg run to get to, but some cool places there. Plus it's a flight point so you only got to do the run the once. If you go West from Crossroads it will go into some mountains and another region. Keep following the road as it goes West then after some time it curves north. As you run north there will be a road that heads off West and that will take you into Sun Rock - a Horde town. I can't remember the specific names just at the minute for the mountains there etc. but plenty to do there. It's a wonder you haven't picked up quests to take you there yet. Also south of Crossroads will take you to Camp T (not sure full name) and there is plenty to do there too.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Just got our asses kicned in Ashenvale but it is elf territory so wrong move starting crap there-lol
  11. Drew

    Drew Toy Prince

    ah hell, Ij ust got into this game. i'm a level 14 Night Elve in Gnomegren server.

    Pretty cool, but have not played PvP much yet, only questing to level up and get good gear before i start shit with iother peeps. How do you get into a raiding party? Thta sounds fun....

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    If you want to come onto the bladefist server i have started a small army w/a bro of mine there-The raids are basically getting a group together and going to the "other" sides territory and basically starting a war..I found the best bet is using a normal server as opposed to going on a pvp one-on the normal server you can toggle pvp on and off as to your preference so you cant be jumped ny live players w/out wanting to participate in it..The other sides guards will attack w/out hesitation, i found this out last night-Drew-what side are you on-A bunch of us here are either undead or another character on the horde side-BTW i've found out the burning crusade actually affects lvl 20 and up-has added another few worlds and from what ive heard they are massive..
  13. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    Yeah they have expanded the game a huge amount. I will buy the expansion soon. I can't believe I'm seeing some of the new races running around at lvl 20 already.

    I have been playing on a PvP server lately - well as much as I can on my lunch break at work :? - I haven't seen any action yet, but I am getting closer to disputed territory.
    Raiding is hell fun. Normal server can be good in the way you can turn off PvP. Sometimes you have to turn it off while still a ghost as the enemy often camp out on your corpse!! Got to stay away from the guards at the enemy villages though - Lvl 65 Elites don't die real fast!!
  14. Drew

    Drew Toy Prince

    Have you guys seen the WoW South Park? It was genius.

    i am not surprised at new level 20's, thye were beat testing for awhile i'm sure. Also, many of these people have zero lives outsidfe of Wow and have probably been playing the BC non stop....sicko commie bastards.
  15. Drew

    Drew Toy Prince

    i am alliance, Druid Night Elve. i am on a normal server as well, I like that i can choose PvP or not.

    i am mostly in Darkshore now, foraying into Felwood. Took a journey recently and did some killing in Westfall. Spooky busted up farmland / wizard of oz vibe over there.
  16. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    I normally play a forsaken character and that's where they are at - busted up Wizard of Oz styles!
    I been playing an elf of late though on a PvP server. Sounds like we are about the same section of the game. Darkshore has been my main haunt of late with the elf.
  17. Drew

    Drew Toy Prince

    Tell me when you are on!! We ca n team up and kill bitches.

    My name is KAWS and i am a druid night elve, right now sleeping in Auberdine at Level 15.
  18. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Wow. I think I understood every other sentence in this thread. :shock:

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