After seeing the superb ToyPunks teaser video at NerdQuake this summer, and constantly returning to view it on youtube, last night I finally got to check out the whole thing! For those you who haven't yet seen it, the teaser trailer doe not lie, and the full length DVD expands on everything that the trailer promised. Hikaru (BxH) is extremely entertaining with his mega-enthusiasm for all things punk rock and toy related. He appears so cool, until he betrays his immense enthusiasm by blurting out a huge "woahahah" or "Fuck!". He is fully committed to what he is doing! Hiddy comes across just like he is in real life, humorous and fun loving. Kozik ups the expletives count, and gives us some historical insight into why he is into what he's into, and why he is the way he is (don't worry, its not too harrowing). Isaac is rad, and explains the genesis of his collecting habits. Cameos by 60% of LASK (woo hoo). Great sections with Balzac and Three Tides Tattoo, rockin soundtrack (including one of my favorite tracks of all time by the legendary McRad), lots of footage of the places you've read about in Japan, and some wanker from England playing air guitar. It all looks great too thanks to Chris Nelson's high quality cinematography, and makes lots of eloquent sense thanks to ex-S7 mag editor Justin Kovalsky concept and words. Right now, I haven't had time to check out all the advertised extra's, but based on the strength of the main feature alone and for anyone interested in cool toys, how this scene began, Japanese youth culture and fashion - then this is a must-have! Team this with the Mook, and even a Fresh Meat will be able to hold his own in the most OG of company. If you haven't already, go geddit here: It seriously rocks!!!
i agree i have watched it a few times already - really really good stuff! and your collection is FUCKING CRAZY!!!
someone told me skylar and i got a thanks. True or false?! still waiting on a copy here, but i'll see it at the philly premier this weekend!
Carl and his cool accent I've seen it soo many many times and I'm still not tired of it. Hikaru was a total trip..Loved the formal greeting followed by the finger. Awesome!! You have to watch Franks "Death of the Underground" segment. This DVD is THE SHIT folks buy it and show it to your friends and or family who "don't get it". I'm def down for any follow up volumes.