its the same picture with a $100 difference. can someone explain please. ... t=1&sub=0#
weird. trying to support the dirsto stores and was confused when i can across it. (does S7 price match )
In the s7 photo and site...That was a custom for the show (I believe most if not all the tokoji customs were 200) For munky king..They incorrectly put the wrong picture and description up...but the price is correct for the standard release.
I think MK got a little confused. They are still learning about the Kaiju stuff. That is a picture of a custom one off but they only had the standard version.
Yea - scared me when I saw it over there. Good thing it was sold out, or I might have jumped thinking it was a new production version.
also, why is the glow/yellow Cumberlain only $50 on KT but $70 at S7? Didn't kiyoka bring these over in his suitcase to lessen shipping costs to the US? (just curious, not trying to dig on the prices at S7. my girlfriend bought this toy and its the first she's paid over $25 for. she loves it)
Not sure how KT can sell it so cheap. We are making a smaller margin on these that usual. We have worked out the problem with Gargamel so it should be better going forward.