What I'm thinking about tonight.......

Discussion in 'Muton's Minute' started by Mutonismyfriend, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Oct 25, 2005
    At home
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Hey, everyone, I feel really strongly about these toys - strong enough to spend way too much money and do stupid things (like not paying bills) to buy them, strong enough to feel emotional about not scoring a certain release, strong enuf to actually make time and work with Isaac's amazing design talent to get shirts out there, and strong enough to feel that I am part of a community. Putting faces to names at SDCC and Nerdquake really crystallised that for me.

    I also feel strongly enough to be saddened by some posts, and feel concern that sometimes we act a bit too cool for our own boots - telling people that certain toys suck, that they should behave a certain way on here, pay their dues and get educated. And suddenly it begins to smack of elitism and pointless rites of passage. One of the resons I love S7 is their inclusivity - everyone is welcome. New or old.

    I collect sneakers, and like certain clothing brands, and when I go out shopping for that stuff I often get the elitist attitude thrown at me - Too much pressure to be cool, act the right way and say the right thing. I like the stuff a lot, so I go back, but it doesn't make me happy to go there.

    Right now we are getting an influx of new people to Skullbrain. Some people may not behave the way we think they should, but who's to say we have it down. People who are perceived as dicks will find they won't get what they came for, and settle down or leave. I don't see us as the cool kids, we are more the freaks and geeks who dig cool toys. Individuals who find community because of a shared love for something marginal. And that's the main reason I come here, because Skullbrain is (and I hope will continue to be) all about community and inclusivity!

    I read elsewhere that we should close the BST forum. I've scored some amazing stuff there off many people from this board, and sold or traded stuff myself. Never , ever had a bad experience! At SDCC I overspent, but I scooped up extras from S7 and sold them at cost to people who couldn't make it - and I certainly wasn't the only one who did that. I believe in toy karma...and you know what, a few things have happened lately that have really re-inforced my belief in that. Super positive experiences, that remind me why this place rocks so damn hard. Lets share that.
  2. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Well said!
  3. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Yeah, but some toys really do suck... :lol:

    (I agree with everything else though...)
  4. cornbluth

    cornbluth Line of Credit

    Dec 4, 2005
    we love it
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    i agree, but I don't think some of the opinions expressed around here are from an elitist standpoint. I also don't think that we should shut the B/S/T forum. This board and it's members are 100% dedicated, and have a ZERO tolerance for bullshit. I think the fact that the influx new members' first few posts were, " GIMME GIMME GIMME" is what has set so many of us off.
  5. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Oct 25, 2005
    At home
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    It used to be that righteous indignation was saved for people who posted immediately offering stuff for sale, which seems fair enuf. Some of my comments are based on the fact that the "G G G" posts didn't set me off. I'm stoked for people who discover new stuff, get excited, and articulate that in all sorts of ways (one being "G G G"). I still get excited, and as soon as that goes away, this will stop being fun for me.
  6. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    When you stop having fun, can you sell me your signed Deph [expletive deleted]? :D
  7. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Oct 25, 2005
    At home
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Didn't u get one that day, u were helping at the KR that day I thought. they should have atleast flowed u one for hanging out ther for all that time!
  8. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    Oct 16, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    You make some good points Carl, but so does Cornbluth. I think the main source of disquiet was/is coming from the gimme gimme attitude Cornbluth is speaking of.

    I think it's been addressed, to a degree, so things should settle down to the same old community spirit hopefully.
  9. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Oct 25, 2005
    At home
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    np. All i will say is that people get excited and express themselves in different ways....it's all good in my book.
  10. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Oct 21, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I just want to piss in all of your fish tanks.

    I think that will make me cool.
  11. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    Oct 16, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Well said Muton,Hear hear!And all that.
  12. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Oct 17, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I think we all need to take a deep breath and relax. I think everyone's fun meter is pegged.

    good post Muton
  13. the_z

    the_z Side Dealer

    Jan 24, 2006
    a Ukranian village
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I feel cleansed.
  14. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Dec 17, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Great post Muton.

    I have always hated the elitist attitude when I encountered it at record stores, concerts, clothing stores whatever.

    I get really excited when there's discussion and debate about toys and what works and doesn't work for someone. It would be boring if we all liked the same stuff. Or what they see in a figure. Or that art sucks. Or that all vinyl are just poker chips doomed to be melted down (though I disagree). I freely admit that I like stuff that others hate. Whatever. I can defend my tastes.

    No need to close the BST forum. But maybe SB thinks about posting some guidelines for newbies. Don't let your first post be a want for a such and such. Don't attempt to sell your Trixi collection here.

    Despite all that, I'm still annoyed by the hit and run types.
    The newbies who come in, get what they want and disappear.
    I think it takes something away from the scene, even if its just a few good figs.
  15. pavid

    pavid Fresh Meat

    Dec 12, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    hi muton

    you might remember me from kr?

    was just going to say, im new here(well i registered ages ago, but only really started to posting here) and everone seems really nice. i hardly know anything atall about japanese vinyl, i know about SB, gargamel and RxH and stuff like that, but it seems like there is alot more. and im very interested! :D the only thing i dont like, is some of the prices... hahaha. but im sure ill cope :)

    i havent posted much, but ive just been looking round, reading up on some things, trying to get my head round it all. and im going to try and add some nice JP vinyl to my collection :)

    thanks for all being so nice :)

  16. blashyrkh

    blashyrkh Addicted

    Dec 10, 2005
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Muton, you said what I was thinking when reading some of those posts, and you said it perfectly.

    When I was first getting into these toys, it was very hard to get any information about them, and I didn't really know where to turn, and didn't know about Skullbrain or anything. Then when Muton had his Henshin exhibit up in the shop where my store is in a year ago, I talked to him about toys for awhile, and he really helped me out where other people wouldn't, and made me feel included. For that my credit card company and I are eternally grateful. I wish more people followed your lead. Thanks.
  17. pigeonfarmboy

    pigeonfarmboy Toy Prince

    Jul 23, 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I totally get an elitist vibe here. It sucks but it's true. About the gimme gimme thing....pretty sure you have to start somewhere right? I guess one could accuse me of the gimme thing but I paid everyone fairly and instantly for figures they obviously wanted to get rid of. Now my WTB post has been deleted because of all this complaining and my collection hasn't been completed. It's hard starting a collection when you're very behind and I think long-time members forget or don't think about that.

    If you don't want "hit and run" members it's best not to treat them like crap. If I wasn't so passionate about collecting this stuff I would have already left this forum because of PMs received and the way I've seen others treated. I want to be here for good and develop relationships that will further both mine and everyone else's toy-collecting experiences. I was very dissapointed because my initial impression of this place had such high expectations. Not too late to change though. Muton I think by addressing this and discussing the matter, will be a great start for a "community improvment".

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Oct 17, 2005
    Nowhere NY
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......

    I wrote this and I'm still trying to figure out how posting a complaint about some of the KR flips cluttering the forum has become a war on noobs....That being said i totally agree..If anyone new ever has any questions please feel free to PM me..I'm more than happy to share any knowledge i can....
  19. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Having seen the Nerdquake pictures I'm forced to agree :D

    Great post Muton . . . elitist bullshit sucks!
  20. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    JHOTTROD, it's all about context. On more than one occasion, I have seen new people come here and watch you roast them, usually in a B/S/T post where the subject matter doesn't fall into the narrow category of what you think belongs here, or one that came too soon.

    I also remember Lokash and Lash doing the same thing. I'm sure there are other instances of stuff like this, but right now, the B/S/T forum is gutted and there's no way to find those threads.

    Usually when something like this happens, there's all sorts of allegations about nasty PMs and such. Of course, we never see those.

    So when you or anyone else who has behaved this way in the past makes a new post complaining about something, anything, the other posts where you roast people are remembered. Simple as that.

    Also, after being here for a while, and corresponding and talking with many people on this board at all levels, here's my perspective on how the zeitgeist feels: there is a small very vocal minority of people here that act like idiots, but the vast majority of people are much more laid back about this stuff (we are, after all, talking about TOYS here) and much more level-headed.

    If you think you're in the minority, just ask yourself a simple question: are you treating people on this board the way you would like to be treated?
  21. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I dont know.... even though some call it "elitist" attitude I dont get that vibe. This place is populated by very true collectors who want to protect what they love.

    I got the tuff love deal in the begining just like everyone else and I'm not mad. It taught me the "rules" here and after awhile I became part of the family. I made some good friends here and now pretty much only post my mindless ramblings here :)

    It reminds me of fight club when they fist start up the group and tyler durgen tells the blond haired kid to fuck off your to BLONDE and so on.... :)

    Its just a test to see if you can take it and if your really into this.

    The people here are really very cool and accepting. They just want real collectors here, not the wack jobs looking to buy a toy they want for cheap and then be out or to flip something because they want to make a quick buck off us.

    Once the new guys understand the way it is here they learn the become part of the family and pass it on and protect the little community here.

    I mean its not really that bad. Just a little hazing :)

    It keeps the fake people out.
  22. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    I did ????

    I dont remember doing so.
  23. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Like I said, the B/S/T forum is cleared out now so I only have my memory to rely on.

    Based on your "hazing" reply, though, it certainly fits in with your view of how you think this place should work.
  24. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    Dude relax I said that tounge in cheek. I rarely break anyones balls. If anything its usually the opposite and I'm trying to help people out. I remember I got alot of the lurkers posting when I started a thread asking whats up with the new guys..

    Maybe I just dont see it the way some do. Like I said its not that bad here.

    Actually when I first started posting it was about a custom i did and I got ripped a new asshole. Did you see me cry and run off...... no.

    Like I said its not that bad...

    For the most part I have helped out a LOT of people here and welcomed many in a warm way.

    And if something I psot gets rubbed out no matter what section its in then I know its wrong and I will think about what I said.

    Ramos is really understanding and if he feels its not right than the odds are its not right.

    So if someones want post or rant post gets deletd than its for a decent reason.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Oct 17, 2005
    Nowhere NY
    What I'm thinking about tonight.......
    For starters i have never "roasted" anyone in BST ever-Didnt even post in purple walrus's thread either..i do realize its been cleared but I still beg to differ..Actually I did do this once and it was w/Creaturions guess what thread which we both PMed w/each other and reached an agreement/understanding...If you're memory serves you tell me one other occasion i did this and i will eat crow..BTW just for the record the whole forum got on his back about it oo..

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