The story of RxH is, to me, more of a warning to everyone who collects JP vinyl than reflective of the toys themselves. I doubt Mori would have gone into overdrive if people didn't publicly demand that he do so. He has really cut back and balanced it out between readily available items and rarities. Don't buy into hype. Don't buy multiples for trade bait. Don't pay stupid prices. It seems like a simple lesson, but I see the same things happening over and over again.
forget the rose...why are we not talking about how great josh's paintings are. I never was a big fan of the VR it's the only monster family I didn't get into but I really love his art work. Looked like a really great show good job!
loved the ski mask 3 eyed business man. I'm a sucker of ski mask's though since i use them a lot in my own art work. But all of his characters were really great.
I liked the Space Time Travel (which is on sale by the way) that has like a werewolf (or dogman?) with a branch going through his chest.
every piece was awesome, but my favorites: backward thinking forward thinking let it lie (purchased it!)