So, the very next night after the Dr Romanelli Show, Span show up yet again, this time with their Cheshire Cat sculpt (again by Monster5?) at this show which is ,as the title says, a celebration of the (Disneyfied) Cheshire Cat. I can unreservedly recommend this show to anyone in the area - the installation is fantatstic - pink fur covering the entire place, over 80 custom vinyl Cheshire Cats everywhere, a fantastic papier mache tree in the center of the space, and some rather tasty paintings lining the walls. The basic Cheshire Cat platform really brought out the creativity in the contributors - and many of the customs were amazing in person. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, but El Maz was reppin', and had his, so exepct some posts (I hope). El Maz had a cool cat in the show, as did Bwana, and a whole host of people I hadn't heard of before contributed some awesome stuff. Check out this link to see some very cool and whimsical customs: ... ction.html The art accompanying the show was also pretty impressive. I have never really dug Disney influenced shows that much before, but this was cool. Paintings by Bwana, Kathy Olivias and Ausgang amongst others. One particular painting by Reuben Rude (who I am told does a lot of stuff for Strange Co) particularly caught my eye. You can see that, and all the others, here: ... tings.html Finally, I have to say they went all out with the catering. As well as the usual free bar (yay), I was surprised to spy free food, and the food was great. I've never had a curry sandwich covered in poppy seeds, but it was delicious! So delicious I ate about 10 of 'em! Had a good time chatting with the VinylPulse crew and Yev and Karou from SPan...amongst others. An excellent show, conducted with grace (after a no doubt insane few days setting up) by gallery owners Katie and Jensen. Nice one!
I like that custom with the tower of heads built on top of the tail. But as cool as some of the customs are, the paintings appear to be the highlight of the show.
I agree...most of the paintings I liked...but the custom cats were really hit and miss...although most of the cats done by people I had heard of were cool.
I was very pleasantly surprised to see a link on Reuben Rude's News page to this very thread on SKullbrain. How cool is that? I can only return the favour by recomending everyone to check out Reuben's website. There's a hige amount of very cool art on there:
Ruben's art is fantastic (we bought his custom CP) and it is still affordable. Check out Ruben for sure.
been a bit busy this past week carl. will shoot some of those pictures over to you in the next couple of days or so