Years in the making, renowned toy customizer Motorbot has chosen Florida as the lucky site to bear witness to his ascension to supreme resin toymaker. With 6 stunning new sculpts debuting exclusively for the show, this is one evening you don't want to miss. Festivities will kick off at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 24th with the artist on hand for a special meet and greet, followed by an all new Florida ring toss for prizes at 8 p.m..
darn it Kelvin... I'm not sure I can get out of work for this one.. seriously wanna meet the creator of my black metal UNKL army in person...!!!
Here's a sneak peek at some hand painted figures that will be available at this weekend's show. For more pics and an interview we conducted with Motorbot, check out our blog (
Such a great time. Kevin, really nice meeting you/picking your brain. Scott, the ring toss really put the name Kaiju Carnies to a good use.
Nice to meet the man behind the Motor-madness.... as well as hanging out with most of the usual FLASKers! (get well soon Frank) Boy, that ring toss game sure is harder than I remember... though not without it's Pink Blowfish payoff , and some other sweet prizes. These Motorbot sculpts are really nice; the rotocast resin gives a feel reminiscent of stiff vinyl.... simply lovely. AND we got to see previews of a few upcoming projects....... the Dead Bear has some nifty things up his furry sleeve! I would post pics, but I left my camera at the store, probably because I'm an idiot. If there's a stealthtank sale anytime soon, one of the items better not be a Rebel Xsi
Great time last night as always! Photos forthcoming as soon as I fulfill my brunch duties, my errand duties, and my bike picking up duties. Kevin - it was great to meet you (ha - I initially wrote out "meat" - guess those Steak Zombies had a larger effect on me than I first assumed). Love the sculpts and especially the paint treatments - understated and brilliant at the same time. That Rotocast Resin is the real deal. Scott & Lauren - thanks for gathering a bunch of interesting toys, art, and people and keeping me out of the bowling alleys and discotheques OK - photos in a couple hours.
i cant believe i missed this business : ( i didnt even know this was happening. those are some sick pieces!
^^^ You also missed a sneak-peek at the insane painting by Mr. Howard (cool cat on the far left) Don't miss Monsters in the Mangroves!
i had an awesome time thanks to everyone that came out and thanks to scott for having me. i'll have to try it again one day.
Presenting..... My Scores: Jeff! Representin' FLASKstyle..... son! Ya'll don't even know.... yet Brought to you by these fine folks: