Available Online tomorrow, Friday 2/11: Valentine Rose Vampire Valentine Fenton Heads up for locals - The Rose Vampire is delayed in shipping, and will be at the store 2/14.
i read somewhere that there was a delay in shipping and they won't come in until tommorow. they might have already received them though, because i can't find it on sb.
*smack, yer right I could have done that I guess, but I'd rather hit the instore quantity and leave whats online for those out of town. But I did go to the shop today to try and grab one... the shipment hadn't came in but they were taking names for when they did. I'm calling back tuesday to see if they arrived. I'm so stoked, Fenton looks so adorable, but I grabbed the clear grey glitter Big Sal to tide me over. [EDIT] Just got mine today! Thanks Luke + Windsor! The clear pink vinyl looks so badass around the thick parts, like neon or something. [/EDIT]
any intl peeps received theirs? i got a tracking # but status shows that hasnt been posted out for a week..
My pink Vampire Rose just arrived : It has a big vinyl drip in the middle of the face ! I'm so dissapointed. I'm not the only one in this situation.
alot of people have the same thing going on, so don't feel too bad. Apparently there were some issues at the factory. They still look sweet!
If there was some issue at the factory and if a lot of people have the same thing, do you really think that It's fair to sell a defective run of toys ? They are still sweet but I prefered it with a perfect face, like the clear green or the clear glitter. I hope you'll well understand what I mean.
I know what you're saying, but the thing is that with limited runs they can only offer a refund and wouldnt you rather just have the fig? It sucks that it happened but they take good care of us. Problems are bound to happen sometime.
The clear pink vinyl seems to have thinness and drip issues on a few releases. The Sleeping Killer has some that have similar drips, my Biskup Rangeas has a few very minor drips on it too. The pocket killer is very thin vinyl if you compare it to all the other pocket killer releases. Clear vinyl in general seems to be a lot softer some times, I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it. Either way it's a great release, love the metallic blue spray on it.
^^^ Exactly. I think calling something like that as 'defective' is a misuse of the word and the refund thing is absurd. I personally thought it was one of the cool things about clear vinyl. You could see the process...the drips etc. I have a few clear toys like that and it doesn't bother me at all. If it was a poor paint job that is another thing. But as long as the vinyl isn't cracked..I don't have a problem.
the clear glitter hollis has this sweet huge drip going down his chest. it looks like he is wearing a suit.
You are a master of the obvious. Of course that is my point of view. Who's point of view would I be writing from? People were writing their opinions and I was writing mine. That's usually how discussions work.
I would think it not a big deal if it wasn't running straight down a smooth area like that, especially the face, so distracting if people didn't know before buying that this clear pink vinyl has this tendency (I had absolutely no idea, but I didn't buy one anyway) I totally understand the unpleasant surprise and disappointment my grey ghost mummy boy (clear gray w/ GID fill) has a really annoying line down the chest, I don't care for it as much as my pink GID one so I think I'll try and sell it soon
If you want a clean toy, don't buy clear vinyl. Sure there's a fair amount of clear that comes out clean but really, would you rather have it so there are less toys for sale (which then jacks the after market for those that missed it), or be able to get the toy. Keep in mind that you're also asking someone to inspect each pull. Next you're going to ask to inspect each paint job...then your $30 toy becomes $35, then $45, then $60....