Please wait. I'm sure we will be, but I have to confirm with SB and ofcourse the man of S7. I will try and answer your question as soon as I can. Hiro
ummm .. be a little more of an ass next time. i know usugrow and rebel ink are the same. was just wondering if he had got confirmation yet from sb and brian. thanks.
patience please. I know it is hard. I can promise as soon as team SF gets the answer, the post will be made. thanks to all.
hey guys, Just got info on these. Unfortunately we will not be getting these at the moment. USUGROW himself would like to see how it goes in Japan first since it is his first figure. Once he is ready I am sure we will e getting them. Please wait alittle for more updates.
I feel the same way. Thos figures are awesome and I am sure it's got alot of people loving it. I guess we just gotta see how USUGROW feels and hopefully he will release them in the states soon. But honestly, I think we will be getting them once the green light goes. Just time will tell. A short time. I will be talking to Hiddy again soon. I will ask him again and see what I can do. I wil update again once I talk to him.
yeah......I know..... I shall turn on my serious face and do my best in getting these. Can I even make a serious face???? Thats another challenge.......
Qty Description Unit Price Amount 1 The REVEL INK/WHITE 7,140 7,140 1 The REVEL INK/BLACK 7,140 7,140 1 Shipping 2,700 2,700 Subtotal: ¥16,980 Currency is in 日本円 (JPY) Total: ¥16,980 JPY
I hope you guys score. These are so bad ass But from what I gather, I think S7 may not get this run, but for the future they will get everyone. So keep them eyes peeled for one in case S7 cant make it.