I can't compete with you big playas. I'll be there, like ... "can I have that Dehara donut for this measly old unpainted flesh Jet Jaguar? Didn't think so."
hmmm...but if you paint the Jet Jaguar, then you might have something...hehehehe. I'll probably have a couple of figures but nothing fancy. Maybe a Rumble Monster (sorry Jeff...not the one you're looking for), or SB figures...but mostly common stuff.
guys, I would love to be there, but my chances are slim that I will be there. The baby is due literally at any moment, which means, no sleep or swaps for me that weekend unless we are seriously overdue. (much less the two Limpwrist shows! one of the best bands since the turn of the century!) Regardless, there will be plenty for everyone to do - RxH Lottery, the Super7 loves you sale, Visighost and so much more. Anyone coming to the store (or the affiliates) will be STOKED.
bianca & I will most likely be there, and brian, check out my flickr later, i'll have some photos of the shows up soon!
I think Keith just made the dirtiest comment this board has even seen. He seems like such a nice boy.....