Tim Biskup new figures?

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by bryce_r, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Anyone know of new things TB has coming out for the remainder of the year. or early next year Some of his stuff is hit or miss but in general I always like taking a gander at his new stuff.

    Didn't see any at floopdodle. Just checking here
  2. el word

    el word Comment King

  3. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Isn't he focusing more on painting these days? Or so I remember.
  4. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I know he had the ether exhibit which was considered a different approach but was wondering if he had any new stuff coming out rather than just different colorways i.e. the mechagodzilla and helio pollard, drag etc...
  5. el word

    el word Comment King

    I misunderstood your first post. I thought you were saying you had heard that he did have something new in the pipeline, and were wondering what it was. I don't know of any upcoming toy projects from TB.
  6. dieselbouy

    dieselbouy Fresh Meat

    This was on Vinyl pulse earlier this month.

    Gama-Go's Deathbot character created by Tim Biskup will break free from the realm of silk-screened shirts, hoodies and prints with the upcoming figure release in October from Ningyoushi. A tease yes, you know you like it... More info as we get it.

  7. el word

    el word Comment King

    Ah, I did see that one. I'm looking forward to it.
  8. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Excellent. Thanks so much.
  9. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    yay! deathbot rules! about time!
  10. el word

    el word Comment King

    I heard it will be made of wood, not vinyl. Anyone know if this is true?
  11. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    that would be cool if it's done right. i can totally see deathbot as a wood toy....even better with some metal parts
  12. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I'd actually like to see his squiddles squid be made. Translucent and other colors would be great.

    The deathbot teaser is pretty cool but I want to see some more pics!!
  13. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    where is the teaser pic?
  14. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast


    Not sure if the link will work but
    If you google... Deatbot Gama-go ..... Vinylpulse has a picture. It's the back of the deathbot looking over San Francisco (I'm assuming)

    It's being released at Ningyoushi and the writer says that it's made of wood.
  15. marswillrule

    marswillrule Line of Credit

  16. dizzy8080

    dizzy8080 Addicted

    I like......

    Any dates yet?
  17. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Nope. I actually emailed ningyoushi and one of the reps had no details...i.e. size, price, release date.

    I guess October's the only clue
  18. dizzy8080

    dizzy8080 Addicted

    Or they are really good at keeping secrets. But then again, i guess they wouldn't be showing teasers.
  19. mangakaben

    mangakaben Comment King

    looks like it's made of wood, but overall looks interesting...
  20. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    this toy is hot, ...and not just because it's eco friendly.
  21. el word

    el word Comment King


  22. at 19.99 how can you go wrong??? would be cool to have a squiddles for him to fight though.....
  23. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    holy crap. NICE pic. Where'd you find that el word?

    Any updates on preorders? I think the size is perfect
  24. el word

    el word Comment King

    On that other forum. Looks like it was scanned from a magazine, but they didn't say which one.
  25. azjpeg

    azjpeg Toy Prince

    looks like that's a page from the Diamond Previews catalog. They just solicited Ningyoushi's Billy Bronze Book Edition, so likely they'll offer this as well.

    Looking forward to this figure. Bet it's just as high quality as the Hell's Proprietor wood figure they did with Glenn Barr.

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