The Trillion Dollar Coin

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by stealthtank, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  2. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    May 19, 2011
    Berlin, DE
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

    Money represent what assets a country has to back up its currency, no?

    Wouldn't adding trillions of dollars overnight to the currency in circulation just send everything in a spiral. Even more, why do we want to pay for something with made up money that we dont have?

    Credit works using borrowed money, not creating fictional money (or so is the idea).

    I really have no clue, it just sounds like a cop-out to our poor management habits and its more like covering the sun with one finger, than actually addressing the spending problems the American population has.
  3. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

  4. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

  5. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    May 19, 2011
    Berlin, DE
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

    I understand this, but you are getting away from how the trillion dollar coin will solve our problems.

    I see how china has implemented sanctions and at the same time impoverished some people while allowing the higher upper class to technically enslave certain parts of its population.

    I see how costumers with cash will come in and buy from a business. I just want to know how will this deposit of money be the save all? Will this amount of money then be withdrawn once certain limits are reached?

    This sounds like a panacea, when what you have attempted to explain are economic models that are in place and try their bests to do with what they have. I could support an idea such as this, but it doesnt sound feasible that the country pays its debts, to other countries (china for example) with something that is created by itself.

    What im getting at is, what stops the other countries of the world to do the same? where does one stop and think about how the US with all of its assets and economic clout, is taking advantage of a market that we have developed? If this is a ways of change, rather than taking the easy way out, shouldn't we tighten our belts and do with what we have instead of creating more promises?

    This is very interesting to me, though I come as ignorant to the field, I am interested to learn more about it.

    For all we know it might work or not, I just dont want to make my mind on something that can dictate the next 50 years of my life.
  6. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

  7. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    May 19, 2011
    Berlin, DE
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Re: What's So Funny About The Trillion Dollar Coin...

    oh, well that makes sense.

    So, the country would produce this coin and then what would be the next step after it is put into 'circulation'.
  8. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    I'm no economist but I think you're forgetting to factor in greed into your equation. There is a reason there is a class war going on here in the US. Corporations have had their run for quite some time. They literally own the politicians and have legislation passed that will favor massive profits for them. The system has been virtually deregulated to make it so they can do whatever they want. They, more than any other factor control the economy. There is no accountability at all. They have complete disregard for your average American and even when this past recession started to improve are completely unwilling to improve salaries (and haven't since the 1970's). In fact they're crying wolf and after cutting their payroll, forcing most of people left to do the work of TWO people or more. Yet they maintain massive profits while your average American suffers to make ends meet. Most of these corporation are global and keep going from country to country where the labor is cheap and the tax breaks numerous. I hear with robot technology now, many are thinking of doing manufacturing here again but it won't mean new jobs, just more automated manufacturing. I.E it's cheaper to buy a 22,000 robot once and have it run for 5 years then pay a chinese worker 3.75 and hr. It's disgusting.

    Now I know it's their prerogative to run their companies to make the most money but people are tiring of this same old scenario.
  10. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    Mar 17, 2011
    hidden jungle lair
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    there would have to be a disclaimer on the refund that it can't be used to buy air jordans, fake hair/nails, or gold teeth.
  11. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  12. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Well then how about fixing the education system then? Make it easier and more affordable for anyone willing to put in the effort to better themselves? Force all the "for profit" colleges with bogus worthless degrees out of business? People making this effort should not be straddled with enormous debt an zero prospects coming out of college.

    Why is the not happening? Because everyone is only interested in capital gains. Everything is for profit with as little overhead as possible. Also I'm not one of the 99% people. I simply follow the money trail, and who's interest it best serves. It's not hard to see through the lies.

    If the powers that be we're truly interested in investing in the things you speak of, what's really stopping them?
  13. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  14. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    Nov 10, 2009
    Cleveland Ohio
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    personally I think we should be doing it all, we're fucking America, we used to do it all, and I believe 100% corporate greed is the #1 reason we are in the pisser(outsourcing to line CEO's pockets that really snowballed in the mid/late 90's) As a country it is insane to believe we could run on only design jobs, for one you need a physical labor force to keep up with infrastructure, not everyone wants to be in a cubical some people actually enjoy back breaking labor, also America is huge and unlike China I do not see our government enforcing breeding restriction (FUUUUUCK!) so the only limiter of our population is $$$ and space (the money will come from the infinite loans Stealth mentioned) so we may never have the workforce of china but we will never have the low population of a European country so we should establish a balance of both inovation/design/manufacturing, as far as education goes no matter how well you try to educate our citizens alot of people are dumb and no level of schooling can help, these people need menial jobs or they will wind up as welfare leaches and criminals (because that is the only feasable option left)(and given McD's makes how many trillion a year I am not saying these jobs should not compensate fairly) and yes it is more economical to have machines do all of our work but hey mister ceo eyes on the prize money money money me me me stupid as a fucking rock, is a machine gonna buy product from you? no then I suggest you start treating humans with the same respect you feel entitled to or when the bubble bursts and you fall from the ivory tower I may just eat your ass, so in conclusion I feel as if only one thing will give us the foundation to get the economies and societies of the world healthy again is for people to start giving a shit about people from the top to the very bottom a little bit of human decency will go a long way
  15. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  16. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    Oct 16, 2005
    a font of negativity
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    Or we could make everyone pay their "fair share" of federal income taxes.
    That means tons of people would have to pay federal income taxes and not get back money they didn't even pay in.

    My favorite people are those who complain so much about how there aren't enough "american workers" and want super high minimum wage, while using every single product apple puts out in its newest version.
  17. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    Nov 10, 2009
    Cleveland Ohio
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    my one big qualm with people presenting China's labor force and how big/cheap it is, it is only that way from my understanding from what is basically slave labor, which to my understanding is quite illegal for an American firm to use said labor, so on a level playing field I believe we could compete(and win as we always have on a level playing field) now if Chinese workers were compensated well, the gap in quality from US to Chinese produced goods would lessen and I could see calling this a competition, but also the product would no longer be dirt cheap so that would weaken it's ability to compete, there is also the matter of fatalities linked to other countries substandard conditions and practices and yes this happens in our own back yard as well but in that instance we get to handle it first hand and can make sure (for the most part) it does ot happen again, China on the other hand probably uses lead paint for toys on purpose just as an FU to Americans
  18. Chris Kohler

    Chris Kohler Toy Prince

    Jul 25, 2006
    Chula Vista, California
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    In Alaska it is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear while they're moose hunting.
  19. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
  20. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin
    I'm too sick at the moment to get into the discussion, or wrap my head around it, but this just screamed out "YIKES" to me. Yes, surely SOME of the "1%" are highly educated, skilled, elite workers - but I don't know that it's the vast majority. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Elon Musk seem to be the exception, not the rule. The rule seems to be Donald Trump, the Walton family, the Koch family and the frat boys running Wall Street.
    I agree that folk like Musk should be lionized, but the Kochs of the world should just be fed to the lions.
  21. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Oct 29, 2006
    The Trillion Dollar Coin

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