Re: Tonight SUNN O))) I wanted to go to this, but its a 9am to midnight day at work. EagleRock brings teh stars out. I was wondering about teh Accused myself - altho I only know them from the Thrasher Skaterock Vol 3 comp which helped me discover the Boneless Ones, COC, Gang Green and Septic Death.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) Imposters....Tommy is the only regular member still in the band. The rest of the band went and formed the band "Toe Tag". The Accused will never be THE ACCUSED without Blaine on vocals.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) I will take pics of the imposters and all the dirty stoners for those who miss it
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) How was the show? Hopefully your bowels didn't liquefy (at least too much)! I love me some Sunn O))), I definitely want to check 'em out live one of these days.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) show was very good!! I will have pics later and some video of sunnO))) . got to kick it with a few of the people in the accused and Attila Cshihar is definitely an interesting dude!!! saw no LASKers but did see ole yveginy from the now defunct span of sunset
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) My buddy Steve and his little brother Vinnie where there. He said they kicked it with the accused too. Said it was a good show. They'll be back in Sept. so I hope to go to that show.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) They are supposed to play a show in oct. at the knitting factory with The Varukers
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) yep..I heard they havent played here in a while because of some riot stuff a while back
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) So great that this thread is more about The Accused than Sunn. Those tracks on Skaterock 3 were fucking AMAZING.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) before I get my pics up.. check out these pics
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) Fuck - those pics are AMAZING - do u know this person? I take it they are a pro? Show looks stunning. Is that Sunn O in the twig outfit or another band?
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) Shit more and more cool pics. I thought that was Joe Strummer, then realized it was Glasvegas.
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) I dont know him, but I saw him with his billion dollar camera ..and I knew those were the pics he took..he was all over the place taking pics..backstage and shite
Re: Tonight SUNN O))) and yes that is attila from sunn in the twig outfit..I have a pic of him backstage after he just dressed up in looks really funny in the light...its made from a coffee bean sack and some fix a flat foam rubber stuff and twigs
late as hell pics of the show and before the show..and after gotta eat before you doom out fire fire cat wanted to go to the show metal face..on even this wee lad showed up it felt like zombie fest atillas costume looked funny in the light I was pretty drunk off the champagne by the end o the night cheers!!!!