I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about this guy yet. He has created quite a lot of very different figures. Pretty sure they're all made in China but the ones I have are rather high quality. This is a death melon painted by blobpus. The toy is a little smaller than I expected. I've got one painted by KTW. Lot of cool details. I love that it's a living planet, not super fond of the little space station on the top. I always like my toys to be serious. This ones the Carp Overlord also painted by blobpus. Pretty badass figure. Great size, gotta love the detail of the face. I've got one painted by yamomark. A really great toy. There's this amazing figure. Kirin Billy. So much awesome in this toy. A demon kid riding the back of a Kirin that rocks back and forth? So awesome. I'm pretty sure these monster punk rockers were some of his earlier figures. Nuttipati (?) produced by Unbox. Cool toy. A few different colorways. A peanut monster with an Aztec death mask. This crazy goldfish person. I love everything but those dumb flippers. I also have a thing for fish monsters. I don't think this one has been released yet. But so creative and beautiful. You can see his youth tiger in the background as well. Another one that hasn't been released yet. And there's this monstrosity. Kind of the whole kitchen sink. I want one though. This is one creative artist. In my opinion his toys don't share an aestitic. They're all very different but all very cool.
I think there were only 3 nutipati releases. That image there (mine) was taken with my cell and ran through filters.
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With the right paint job, Billy Kirin is a big want for me. Like this one: https://instagram.com/p/BVAHv5mlkAm/ [Image from @webster.chu on IG] Still love my og painted Agent Syraku. [Image pulled from lowbrownie]
Whoa! That snail head is so sick I hope it gets made in the future. I also love those punk rocker figures especially the fly head one.