Also, if the Beshimi are really a one-and-done, I get that the price tag still raises eyebrows, but after you back out production costs and labor of everything that went into that run, I guarantee you it wasn't some financial windfall for Utsugiyo. As Joe said, 50 is certainly not a big run if they are the only toys ever made from the sculpts. These telebobos on the other hand will probably be churned out until the cows come home.
He's pricing them like nags but in runs like Violence Toy. His new "Idee Productions" shows are a pretty good view into what he is trying to accomplish. It's a shame because I do think the toys are really cool, but these prices are criminal and his attitude lying about....well, everything, just ruins it for me.
People will always get worked up about this stuff. Why wouldn't they? Collecting toys is an incredibly interactive process. It's expensive, sometimes ridiculously so. Unlike a lot of the "art" people collect these "toys" don't just go in a frame then on the wall and that's it. People actually play with them. They take them out looking for places to take pictures and share with their friends. They spend hours arranging and rearranging shelves to look exactly how they want. They pose them, heat them with a hair dryer and swap parts. Shit even just buying them in the first place often requires significant effort and usually luck as well. The fact people get worked up about vinyl toys(good and bad)is part of what keeps this hobby alive. If people didn't give a shit they wouldn't spend the money necessary to support what people make. And I don't mean the super high priced stuff like this. Outside of this bubble that fans and artists have created all indie vinyl toys would be considered expensive. My vinyl collection is full of $20 to $30 dollar mini and micro sized figures that people think came out of 50 cent vending machines. People choose to get worked up over the things they care about which is pretty refreshing considering how many people these days seem to care about nothing at all.
I'm certainly not getting worked up over anything in this thread...Just procrastinating doing any real work. I think the board either tacitly or subconsciously misses the extreme ridiculousness and drama that was the Nag thread, and we look to other threads to fill that void. Everyone likes a little Jerry Springer in their life.
While I wouldn't consider myself "worked up" over this, I do still think Nazi Teletubbies are deserving of a swift "fuck you".
Yeah! Remember the Mishka thread? GodSendConspire's cluelessness? Scumbags & Superstars 88 ... wait a minute... S&S88... SS HH... SS Heil Hitler?!? More Nazi bullshit!!!
There's been a lot of Nazi imagery in Thailand in the last few years, maybe he's jumping on that band wagon? Just seems like a cynical attempt to cause controversy orchestrated by a complete and utter twat. Does top left look familiar ?
I would like to confess something. I really like the new four-eyed y-front [EDIT: They aren't y-fronts, just undies.] wearing Telebobo sculpt. The original "creepy" sculpt was technically good, but didn't do a lot for me. That being said, I wouldn't pay more than $150 for one, and I really wish that it had John C. Reilly's face too.
And thats all it really boils down to is the price if ppl want a legit reason not to buy. But as others have said these kinds of stunts and even talking about it here on the forums is only fueling his publicity on the toys.
Eh, I don't believe that "all attention is good attention" / "even negative press is good press" stuff. Pretty sure no one here is suddenly really hyped to have a Nazi-saluting toy made by a dishonest toy maker after reading and seeing all this crap.
Skullbrain 2017 is full of deluded fucks who don't necessarily follow that logic . . . and apparently Instagram is the new God!
Unfortunately you're not wrong... the comment-vomit on Tan's posts is nauseating to read. "Need this!" "So good!" "Legend = TAN!!!" That's probably why I haven't had the urge to look at IG for a while, to be honest. Checking the #sofubi tag isn't what it used to be.
Well its not working because ppl keep buying it. I only bought one thing from him and thats the Pigpig Man. I stick by not buying anything else from him as the toys he makes just keep getting higher and higher in price anyways.
Hmmm, I'm just not feeling this nazi luvin' Telebobo thing at all.. Pigpig man is ok I guess along with Mimi but yeah'.. I'm not buying any of them because they don't excite my collector bone.