Super7 presents - 2012 The Year in Toys

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by Super7 Store, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Super7 Store

    Super7 Store Toy Prince

    2012 has come to a close…and it was one of the biggest years in Super7’s history! We set a very aggressive schedule for the year and attempted to release new items every week. When all is totaled, we released over FIFTY different vinyl toys (and nearly the same amount of new T-Shirt designs)! Check out the video to blast through twelve months of toys in under a minute, and thanks to everyone who helped to make these releases a success!

  2. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    is the last fossilla a one-off or a soon to be release that was meant for 2012?
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Comment King

    I believe it's one of the one-offs from DCon.
  4. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    it goes by fast on the video, but at 0:17 it says The Fossilla Eruption. I was hoping for a painted main release too :)
  5. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Congrats S7! Loved Baseball Boy and Little Prick this year, and it was great to see Ghostfighter come back fighting. Here's hoping Partyball hasn't been retired, but if so, it was a great run. Best wishes for '13!
  6. Super7 Store

    Super7 Store Toy Prince

  7. kittykittymeow666

    kittykittymeow666 Toy Prince


    hope you guys continue to make fosters.. i see two on there that i still need!! =/

    that Neapolitan milton is also awesome. hopefully i can score one of those one day.

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