Nothing fair or unfair about it. It's just my opinion just like what you posted here. What art is all about.
Shitty is right. I think they knew that thay couldn't reason out Sucklord stayin for another episode so they fell back on having the typical reality show drama with girly cat fights. Soo lame.
I didn't even bother with this episode. I think the best part is when Simon admitted that he has some of Sucklord's pieces and that they sort of know each other. You could see the grin on his face and hear everyone else thinking "wtf..." In the end, Sucklord can still hold his head high because no matter what the judges have said, you cannot deny that fact that Simon owns Sucklord pieces. He may not have been the best artist throughout the show, but he was pretty entertaining, the most entertaining of the bunch. I don't think he can really say much about the show till the end of the season. I've talked to a couple of chefs that have been on Iron Chef America. They can talk about the experience but not the outcome...unless the episode they were in has already aired. I would say that holds true to any TV show. Sucklord just posted this:
Even after all this "eject" from the show. I think Morgan is doing some great "after interviews" and the dude has shown he is more real than anything reality. It's like reading what someone I actually "know" would actually "say". He has an amazing train of memory as well. It works well to his advantage. He's definitely a Suck force to be reckoned with.
I liked Sucklord's Star Wars exit. Too bad that Jerry dude had to have the last word and spoil it with "the force wasn't with him tonight".
I think it's funny that in the article above he's complaining that the tv shows have portrayed him as this softie nice guy. I think the world has seen the real Morgan and they love him. next time I see him, i'm gonna tell him: "Fuck you Morgan, you're a douchebag wannabe"
Sucklord was my fave of the show and his absence will be felt. I'll stick with it since I'm a sucker for any of the Bravo competition shows. Padma Lakshmi. Word.
In the great scheme of things Sucklord losing and being a fan-favorite—not just in the toy world—is a great thing in the long run. He now has a larger fan-base & doesn’t have to be forever connected as being a reality TV show “winner.” He’s got is integrity, identity & increased visibility; win, win & win. Kudos!
me and Greg were making some reality video at Morgan's studio the other night. Someone put us on a reality show.
I love how Morgan's girlfriend snags the Scrubbing Bubbles toy out of that box so fast...very funny shit.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....oh.....zzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzz... I suppose it's no surprise, but man those people are a snooze without Morgan around.
haha you know I bring the entertainment Are you referring to the debauchery that went down in Basel and were you there?
Just another reason supporting my declaration! Seriously, i would love to see Lamour or anothe boardie on that trainwreck of a show. You thought sucklord was entertaining, imagine Skinner! I wonder what the qualifications and over qualifications are totry and be "the next great artist"
yeah that was kinda the best part of the show. that and young jumping around in his underwear for his peacock photo. or the rape chick losing it in front of the horse face killah.
**SPOILER** . . . . . . . . So if Kymia didnt win last night I would've had to write an angry letter to Bravo. Her work was really great and definitely showed how bad the challenges mess with the artists process. I didnt like any of her stuff the whole season. It was rad seeing kaws on it last night too and the shot of his giant sculpture in NY and some vinyl toy exposure. Also cool seeing sucklord give that GID resin and saying how its a "thing" in the toy world to make GID versions.