i have stumbled across this line of kaiju, and im deeply infatuated w ith them. i found one website in german? or something http://vinylkaiju.com/gersp.htm and thats all i could come by. there is one figure on ebay that id kill for, and i hope i win it. but regardless... whats the deal with these? and are they super rare? because id like to track down the others as well. any and all info would be helpful! thanks!
Most of these "Spectreman" (to be a little less deutsche about it) toys were recently reproduced (I believe by CCP?) from vintage molds and can be had fairly easily and cheaply on Y!JP. They show up with less regularity (and higher prices) on eBay. I won the glow version of the ThunderGay (the whale) last year and love it.
how much did you pay for that whale? thats what im stalking on the bay, and i guess thats my only route cause im always confused with the japanese auction things. ugh. but thank you for the info everyone!
too much because I got it on eBay prior to enlightenment - around $80 or more, if I recall correctly. You tend to be able to get it far cheaper on Y!JP . . .
Heh - nope. Me likes! But, if you collect with any regularity, I do highly recommend hooking up with Y!JP. I'd love to say it will save you money but, well, knowledge of it has only increased my spending habits!
you need to contact celga so they can bid on some stuff for ya. is realyl easy... just check their website and read the insturctions: www.celga.com besides the CCP reproductions, you can find some spectreman kaijus by marmit vinyl paradise... usually set of 2 kaijus... a recent one (kinda rare i guess, never saw this one before -- just the CCP version) was on yahoo jp a few days ago: ended up for 9,050 yen..
wow! thanks everyone! this has been my most successful and informative thread yet! ah im in paradise! and soon to be debt!!
Do a search for "Spectreman" here and you will find a thread that Skylar started. I believe he's trying to get together torrents or DVDs or something. The show was on American TV, somewhere, and did get a home video release. Bill Gallagher of Marusan-USA wrote a book that covers every toy Masudaya made. The Spectreman vinyls are a small part of the book, but as far as I know they're all there. Check it out if you're interested: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/076432 ... F8&s=books
>Michael-san Finding Specturman Kaijus by CCP reproductions is very difficult even in Japan these days. I finaly could get this line, but it took for a long time. Especialy difficult kaijus are; Kurumanikurasu, Bakurah, Mitsukubiryu, Mogunechuhdon...... I have a information, if interested. I will send you PM later! You can see more about Specturman Kaijus with english text...... http://vinylkaiju.com/exhibitionsp.htm It's my favorit, Giragindo by Beamodel
yeah, I have the complete series on DVD, and have burned good quality copies for some board members. if you're interested I can send you an episode list with episode titles and monster names.
Spectreman That German site is missing one figure that I know of. There is a special edition Kurumanikurus that comes with a paper sash and is cast in clear vinyl.
there is also this site which I've visited on several occasions http://plasticxo.neuf.fr/Plastic_Spectreman/frameset.htm
hey cae, if you are interested i found one one on yahoo jp but is a different colorway: http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n40625507
Here's a pic of the one that's missing. This one was extremely limited and cast in clear vinyl. I have almost all of the Modern Toys ltd re-issues. These are not new Marmits or CCP reinterpretations. Mine may be on the move....
i just scored a spectureman VHS big box for 2 bucks from the video store down the street, what a pleasant little surprise
i saw that one on ebay earlier, but the colors looked fucked up. i like the colors in the one in the picture much better
I saw that too, I am hoping its just the flash and non flash photo difference. Will update once I get it.