Sometimes we just like what we like, I understand that, but if someone cares to articulate the appeal of this item, could you please do so? Personally, I think it's pretty uninteresting, and the fact that it can only move the arms (and possibly the waist) also detracts from the design.
cool! actually having some paint app makes it look less western! i'd like to see this done in a hawaii format....
If anyone has that issue of Hyper Hobby, can you tell me what the Bwana Spoons/Charactics collab is? (Please God, don't let it be a Matango or mini Hedorah)
I know this thread is old, but after reading the questions about its height I figured I would show a photo that gives you an idea of its size For me it was the combination of the cyclops eye and the idea that it is sort of the counterpoint to the HULK - happy pink instead of green, no expression instead of rage face, furry body instead of hairless bulging muscles, yet it's massive and looks like it could go toe to toe with the HULK especially if you make up some wacky power such as a sleep eye beam.
Love this guy! Thanks for bringing the thread back after 2 years! Did the line die after just a few versions?
I have warmed up to Space Cyclop since his relaunch, but I was hoping they'd make some smaller format figures of him. Looks like one and an SF3D style robit is coming. I don't normally like 3D sculpts but these could be cool: View this post on Instagram