Just out of curiosity, why are "Skull Bees", Skull Bees? They don't really have the appearance of a Skull, and it doesn't have wings that the Honey Bees do... Shouldn't it be more of a flightless "Bee Bee"
Their skulls are Bee skulls composed of chitin a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide, related chemically to cellulose, that forms a semitransparent horny substance and is a principal constituent of the exoskeleton, or outer covering, of insects, crustaceans, and arachnids.
See, now if Skullbrains came first, then I could see why they'd want to continue with the Skull nomenclature, but if the Bees came first, I would've thought they'd be more human skull-like. Does that make sense? (not that this is an earth shaking topic)
"I would've thought they'd be more human skull-like.." why did you think skullbrain implied anything even remotely human?
It's crazy how much bigger the bee's body is than the Brain's, but the brains giant head goes straight up and the bee's is at an angle so they end up being pretty much the same size!! It all blows my mind.
I'm gonna go leave a dump sounds too weird... I guess the SkullBee is a such because skulls are cool, like blood splattered skulls are twice as cool, and glow in the dark blood splattered skulls just get buckwild bout to be arrested out of control cool. I think they actually toned down the Bee/Waspiness and humanized the Bee with a human Skull(cuz skullz rule), so Skull Bee it is? I think the cheek bones look like a human skull and the mandibles are stylized to make skull-like teeth.
I see what you're saying, but I guess it's an idiosyncratic thing where everything is a Skull smfin or other. I can't think of any real species of animal with skull in the name, like the skull deer or the skull whale, so maybe everythings a skull-xxxx because the world needed some?