Is anyone playing this? I'm late to it, but I am looking for other Springfields to visit. I just started last night and am hoping to increase my friends so I can catch up on some stuff faster! If you use it, I'm spazzaferro and Skylar is also there as SpaceApeGori
It became a total time-suck for me, so I deleted it about a year ago. Best thing I've ever done. (Not really, but glad to be rid of it.)
I'm wondering, have you guys spent money on this or is there a point where donuts become more easily available? Some of you have really got crazy cities!
Its super easy to cheat on android and even ios if ur jail broken. Theres cracks for basically unlimited donuts. Not saying they cheated but i have a couple friends who have
I have been playing for about 2 years and have never bought donuts. I have played a handful of the scratchers though. I used to spend the donuts i got on those mystery boxes, bu they tend to be a rip off more often than not. Now I just save them and wait for Gil's sales.
I rationalize it by telling myself I don't really buy any games otherwise for PS3 or whatever But still suffer buyers remorse every time
I think I added everyone whose username is on here now. Eager to get back to regular gameplay before Christmas comes around! Add me back if you play! spazzaferro
You don't, you can just get an "Origins" account. You can add friends through either/both of these systems.
Once in your town click the icon with bart & milhouse which is the gateway to your friends towns, once there you will see an empty town that says "add friend." You then can search for users mulitple ways: their names, facebook accounts etc
Ah yes, I saw tha origin thing. Is it possible to add someone on facebook from the origin account? I'll probably answer this myself later as I will try it now. Thanks for the help! edit. I added everyone that's listed. My name is kopponigen.